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Posts posted by patut

  1. Lisa, I too was distressed to read your post and I only hope things are going better for you today. We all have to have trust, in our doctors and in ourselves, and as many advised in their posts, please get some time to yourself, even it it's just a little walk around the block. I know it helps me tremendously when I get to "escape" from it even for just a little while.


  2. Yea, I even was scared that my mammogram would show cancer again even though I've been NEC for 4 years now. Was scared to get the results of my pap smear even. All that because my hubbie has lung cancer. Before that I was a positive-type person who felt I had kicked it for good. But I agree with lovemydog when she says to take time to enjoy the moment. I've decided that worrying about possible outcomes is a waste of time and probably more harmful then helpful.


  3. I feel like I know where you're coming from in your post. I react the same way when many people are around, some giving their advice.

    But then a new day dawns and I am able to get myself together. Hopefully this new day will be a calmer one for you. Don't forget to take some time off for yourself (even a short break) - I notice that when I do I come back as a new and refreshed caretaker.

  4. Kim, I once heard someone say one of the hardest things for a woman is to lose her mother. I had a hard time with it too when I lost mine to a stroke. Then one night I turned on the radio and heard Carly Simon singing her song she wrote after she lost her own mother. The words made such sense to me that I'm sure my mom was responsible for me hearing them at that exact moment. It has been 10 years now and I still refer to the words for comfort.

    "I'll wait no more for you like a daughter, that part of our life together is over,

    But I will wait for you forever, like a river."

    May you too gain peace and comfort with the passing of each day.


  5. Chantal, my hubbie is 65 and our son reacted the same way. It is how we feel right at the beginning of receiving this worrisome news. However, after some time my son came to me and told me he was going to stop wasting his time worrying about it and just go with what ever comes up. That's because we learned it's an on-going bumpy road (which some here compare to being on a roller coaster).

    As for our grandchildren, they simply see that grampa has slowed up a bit, and they are learning to cope with it too.

    I love how Don put it in his message. Way to go Don!

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