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Everything posted by SJAS

  1. Rich, Steve has always been an adamant non-smoker, yet his older brother and sister were lifelong smokers until a couple of years ago. His brother's doctor told him insurance would not cover the patch, but would pay for Wellbutrin, which was essentially the same drug. Worked like a charm for him. Also, my brother-in-law who was the ultimate chain smoker (couldn't even talk to him about trying to quit), suddenly decided to try hypnosis and it worked. One other word of warning. My father had smoked since he was a kid and then quit cold turkey in his 40's. After not having any for 7 years, he went to a wedding and was given a cigar. One cigar was all it took and he was back to smoking for the next decade or so until he had a heart attack. Doctor said, "You smoke, you die. You stop, you live. It's up to you." Happy to say that my 86 year-old dad is still smoke free. You can do it!!
  2. Sorry to hear about the low blood counts. Steve has been getting the maximum dose of Aranesp for months and, surprisingly, when he went in last week for his weekly blood counts, they told him his numbers were so high that they couldn't give him the Aranesp, because the insurance wouldn't cover it if they were that high. He has been on Iressa for almost one month. He still gets pretty fatigued, but it's hard to tell how much of that is left over from WBR. Hope you get this figured out and things improve soon.
  3. SJAS

    post-op report

    Laura, Such happy news - thanks so much for sharing it with us. I got such a kick out of the "special kiss." Your mom is obviously a very special gal all the way through and through. Keep us updated and give her a hug for us.
  4. Bill, I have no idea if this is related to your wife's symptoms, but... Several weeks before Steve was dx with cancer, he started having severe facial pain. He was treated for a sinus infection with several rounds of different antibiotics. None worked and he just kept getting worse. The pain was so severe, he couldn't even lie down in bed. He was referred to an ENT who tried a med for indeterminate nerve pain. Steve got really sick. In desperation, we went to an acupuncturist - something we would never have even considered before. We checked her out thoroughly, licensed, doctorate in Chinese medicine, etc. Amazingly, his pain was very much lessened after the first treatement and was completely resolved after about three treatments. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it. The doctors now think that the facial pain may have been related to Shingles which showed up because his body was stressed by the cancer. Whatever caused it, the acupuncturist successfully treated it and it has not returned. Thank goodness not to have to fight that pain on top of everything else.
  5. Cheryl, Don't think Steve has kidney mets, so I'm not much help. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and glad is going to make sure that you get what you need.
  6. Hello All, First, I want to apologize for not keeping up with things lately. My work hours have tripled and so I only get to the board infrequently for very short periods. I do try to at least read some of the "hot" news. As for the Good News... Steve received very good results on the chest/abdomen/pelvis CT and brain MRI, and his bilirubin is almost back to normal!! Everything seems to be going in the right direction and he seems to be tolerating the Iressa fairly well. He is seeing an acupuncturist about the severe peripheral neuropathy in both feet (any suggestions welcome - we're already doing the B complex), but I'm not sure she will be able to help it. We really are very grateful for his improved health and I feel almost guilty for this concern, but I need your advice. We live in a pretty rural area (no public transit whatsoever), and Steve has pretty much been unable to drive since this all began. Now his onc. says that anyone who has ever had brain mets should never drive again. Steve has had no neurological symptoms, no seizures at all. He has worked his entire life, and the last 15 years in a corporate environment. He really needs to get out and would at least like to do some volunteer work in town. He said he feels like he is under house arrest. Since I am back to working very long hours and the kids are back in school, Steve desperately needs something to get him out of the house and away from cancer. Can you tell me what your doctors' opinions are about the issue of driving once you have been successfully treated for brain mets? We would really appreciate your input. Steve certainly doesn't want to put anyone at risk, but we are wondering if this is more of a doctor concerned about possible liablity. Thanks for any help
  7. SJAS

    Earl's Memorial

    Wipeout! Earl was my kind of guy I could really visualize the memorial and it sounded like it couldn't have been more perfect. Thank you for sharing one more special moment with Earl for all of us.
  8. Peggy, Thanks for the important reminder. Makes me think of a handmade sign on a small private road nearby. It says, "Be nice - you're not downtown anymore" Guess just reinforces the feeling of being a small community pulling together against a sometimes pretty cold world. (p.s. the other side of the sign says "Slow Down!! Kids, Pets & Geezers!! )
  9. SJAS

    Hall pass please

    Happy camping Jane!
  10. SJAS

    A Poem for TBone

    Anna, Your poem took my breath away because it was so beautiful. If you see an extra bright star in the sky, it must be the glow from your proud daddy's beaming face.
  11. Minnie, I'd like to offer you a bit of hope. When Steve went through WBR, he was not the same either during the treatment. Of all the horrible procedures he has endured, including chest tube, chemo and other radiation, WBR presented the biggest challenge. Recovery after it has been slow, but IT IS HAPPENING! WBR can totally knock you off your feet. Can you hook your mom up with someone who's gone through it? I introduced Steve to a man at work who went through it 3 1/2 years ago, and Steve kept mentioning him when things got rough. If you'd like Steve to offer some encouragement to your mom, just PM me. Good luck!
  12. Cheryl, Since you're feeling lousy, think about how much worse the cancer cells must be feeling - that ought to make you feel better. You've sent the "big guns" in after them. Hoping those scans show the cancer cells fading quickly!
  13. Gosh darn it - when does cancer give someone a break! Sending you prayers and good wishes for successful treatment bringing some relief from the pain.
  14. Glad you joined us Marjorie. Having one more person to keep David A.'s postings on the top is a joy. A smile comes to my face every time I hear his name. He certainly brought exuberant life to this board.
  15. Just holding you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know as soon as you find out what the situation is. Seventeen years old!
  16. Not knowing is lethal for both of you. Maybe you can work from that angle. He probably is afraid of what a cancer dx would mean to you, since you have already gone through it once. Can you implore him to get further testing for YOUR sake, as not knowing is so agonizing. My heart goes out to you.
  17. Arayden, We're going to be praying that you're not going to need all the information about lung cancer to be found here. But if you do, we'll be here for you. Take a deep breath - we're holding your hand.
  18. Hi Matt and welcome (Was that better Ry? You still have me cracking up on that one ) As you know since you've been around, this is a great place to be when you're dealing with lc. I am also intrigued with your treatment plan and would love to hear more about your choice and what led you in that direction. Glad you decided to speak up!
  19. Welcome to the family that cares, supports, encourages and even gets you laughing sometimes. The first step through the door is such a scary one; we're here to try to make things easier. Keep us informed of your mother's progress - we're all pulling for her.
  20. Hello and welcome Michael. Sure is nice to meet someone who is having such good results. Keep 'em coming.
  21. Renee, Seeing your husband in pain is so hard. My heart goes out to you and I send prayers for strength and healing for you both.
  22. Lillian, Your story gave me chills. I'm so thankful that you are fine and your home was saved. We do pay a price for living in beautiful, but sometimes tinder dry northern Calif. Take care and get some rest after that horrifying experience.
  23. SJAS

    Daddy Update...

    Glad to hear that things are looking up. Ditto on the advice for just putting food in front of them. Anytime we asked Steve what he wanted, he'd say, "Nothing." Finally, his mother said to just make him some things and see what happens. He didn't eat a lot, but he did eat.
  24. Herman, Don't have many helpful hints for your dilemma, but just that get all the information you can, then help your parents make a decision and be as assertive as you have to be. Sorry you have to be going down this road, but you obviously are taking all the right steps.
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