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Need your prayers......please~~~

Angie Daughter of Bill

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Hi there Angie.

Wow, sounds like your plate is full. Also sounds like you're a good problem solver as well; getting through your father's tough exterior by way of an inquisitive nurse was a great idea. Those inventive skills should also make for a successful fundraiser for your friends in need. Is there anything I, or we can do for to help with the fundraiser? Got an address where I, or we can send some funds to help out? You can PM me.

Take care Angie.

David P.

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Dear Angie,

Like everyone else, I am overwhelmed at what you're going through and how you've helped. Your work with the nurse was nothing short of brilliant. I'm hoping that the new meds and radiation will help with the pain. And that your friend will come through as so many people do nowadays with heart transplants.

My prayers, thoughts, everything are headed in your direction (and that of your father and family and your friend).


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My heart goes out to you and your Dad and friends and family. It is so hard. I haven't been the praying kind lately, not to God anyhow, but I will for you, and your Dad. I wish I could say more to help but I think from reading all these posts, you must be amazing. Take care and we are all here for you!

hugs Steph

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Thank you all soooooo much!! You guys are the best. Absolutely the best!! Taking Snowflake's advice, I had a little "water therapy". (aka good warm bubble bath :wink: ) I have never been one to give up and I'm not going to start now. Whatever comes my way, I will handle it. (with God's help and direction of course) Sometimes I get overwhelmed and the beast that my Dad is fighting just knocks the breath out of me for a while. All of your prayers and well wishes are felt. I feel much better today. Thank you all so much. Love to all!

In my thoughts and prayers~~~


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I have been having a couple rough days myself, and I apologize for not posting sooner, but I did do my prayers and you and Billy are always on my list.

I think I need some of that tar and feathers--a whole truck load. But that is another story.

love and fortitude


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I sent you a PM a few minutes ago, but just found this message! I'm so sorry things are as they are. All I can say is that it sucks, plain and simple. But true to form, you'd been worrying about ME, even during such a crappy time.

Let me know what I can do to help with the fundraisers for your friend. That's my specialty, you know! :lol: (If you're doing any type of silent auction, I can get one of those signed cookbooks I mentioned in my PM for you - just let me know today before 4 pm or so.) Do let me know what you've got planned . . . I'd love to help.

Of course I'll be praying for your Dad - I'm just glad you finally got that scan scheduled. Pretty ingenious too, I might add, to get the "nice" nurse in on your little plan!

Talk to you this week -


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