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We're BACK Online!


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That was awful not being able to get on this message board. I thought I was leaving but after the hard time I had being away for 2 days I know I can't leave yet.

Did everyone miss it as much as I did? What happened? How is EVERYONE?

I sent an email to shelliemacs and told her to think positive thoughts to get it up and running again.

I sure do care about you guys and how you are doing!!!!

(((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) Shelly

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I am sure glad Rick was able to get us back up and running. Thank You (((((Rick))))) very much. Miss talking and seeing everyone's responses. I was e-mailing Connie B. and she was so kind and said the site was being updated and should be up pretty soon. Thank You (((((Connie B.))))), you are awsome.

God Bless & Lots of Hugs :)))


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I am sorry about the downtime. The hosting company had a server crash and just our luck, it was ours. The site was moved to a faster server now and hopefully will be better. With the move, I had to change all the database settings and such to make it run again.

Thanks for all your patience


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RY, that'll teach you LOL...... Glad to be back as well!!! I am sitting in a hotel in Stamford CT. and just checking in to see if all is fine!

See everyone tomorrow...


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Thank you rick for all that you do and for creating this entire message board and for creating the new website you're working so hard on. I saw it it looks great. You are a BLESSING to LCSC to do all of this for us, your time and your money and everything!! May you be blessed in return 10 fold in your life !!!!!

P.S. I finally got my password to work! Haven't posted under my registered user since MARCH! Guess I'm not a computer wiz like YOU. :lol: I even went to chatroom Wed., (I'm learning! :wink: )

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I wish I could have sent an email to everyone, however, since the server was completely down I had no access to the emails of everyone. I could have work around it, however I was on the road in NYC with no tools to work with . The majority of the fixup was performed from my hotel room on a loaner laptop and etc..

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