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Bad Health-- No Energy


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i don't know how to start, and don't have much energy to write. i just wanted to talk about how i've been neglecting my health since about a month before my dad died. i feel really crappy and, of course, depressed. :cry: i feel guilty for not being more involved with this wonderful online community. it feels like i know so many of you guys here, and i've gotten so much comfort from everyone here whenever i've needed it, yet it doesn't feel like i've been there for folks when they've needed it. and i've read so many posts that are truly full of pain-- don't we all have it!!

keeping my head above water-- that's what i'm fighting to do, and i'm exhausted. somehow i'll turn my health around.

blessings to you all. :roll:



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I understand. My dad went to the hospital for a CT scan on New Year's Eve last year, and I can't believe the difference in my physical health since then. I've gained some weight, I have a hard time sleeping, I'm having stomach spasms and nausea. I went to the doctor recently for chest pains, and he said it's stress.

It's difficult to find the mental energy to focus on your own health, I know, when it takes everything you've got just to make it through the day. But everyone is right, you matter and your health matters. The best way you can honor your dad is to love and take care of his daughter.

Hang in there. Be good to yourself.


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Wow Pamela,

Even though my dad had nsclc for what appears to be a little more than 2 and 1/2 years longer than your dad, the path that your dad was on from the beginning of this year was very similar to my dad's. They even died about a week apart. I so relate to what you talked about in your post. It is so very crucial that we get ourselves back together- physically being such an important part of that. I too have gained weight. I did a lot of "comfort food" eating while my dad was in hospice and on through about a month or so after he died. My diet could still be quite a bit better than it is now-- that's for sure.

Well, one little baby step and a time, I guess. God bless you (ALL of you for sharing and caring). I always do get my lift when I come here. :wink:

One Day At A Time...


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Hi, Kitty, just want to let you know there are probably many of us here having the same experience one way or another. I have let so many things go just since January - and I don't feel so hot. But I am thinking about trying to get a handle on it. I got checkups and medications for some problems. Diet not going too well. Ahem. I am thinking I will take a day one of these days and try to write down problems that I can do something about and make a plan, even if it is one thing a day to improve myself and my life. Blessings. Margaret

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As others have said, life is so precious... you need to take care of yourself. I know that if anything should happen to me, the last thing I would want is for my daughter to sacrifice her health mourning me. That would make everything doubly tragic...

I don't know if you've been to a doctor and are on medication or not.. if not, it can't hurt to see one and maybe get help with the depression. I am glad that you posted.. I hope you will continue to let us know how you are doing.

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