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Quick Chapman Update

Remembering Dave

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We've been busy - my mom had her third surgery since June last week and it didn't go so well. she's doing OK now, but can't do any pain meds so that was a problem. Long story.

Dave had his cisplatin chemo on Monday and is pretty under the weather.

AND, we have decided to sell our dream house in the country, waterfront on a navigable river, and move closer to town where we can manage Faith's life easier and be closer to treatments and doctors, work and daycare. Met with a real estate agent yesterday. We have quite a few things in common, the biggest one being HE IS A SIX YEAR LUNG CANCER SURVIVOR. He was a stage 3A, non small cell. Inoperable, but chemo and radiation got it. He considers himself healed through God's love and the miracles of modern science.

We will probably use him to sell our house, mostly because he will do the best job and get the most money for our very unique property, but the lung cancer connection helps. He was also adopted as a baby. He also lives on a small nearby river.

We haven't been on the board at all, so I don't know what's going on with everyone else, but just wanted to send an update and my prayers.

God Bless,

Karen C.

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Karen,thanks for updating.Sorry your mom had a rough go of it,& hope Dave gets feeling better quickly.That is great that you found a real estate agent that you are comfortable with.Being nearer the city will no doubt be easier to get things done but I feel bad you are leaving such a nice home.Hope things get on a upbeat for you all very soon.

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good to hear from you with an update--I was wondering how you guys were doing, but also know that you all have a tremendously busy life right now.

I am glad to hear things sound good right now, and although it's probably hard to sell a dream house like that, with all the upkeep it requires (I remember hearing about mowing acres of grass), maybe with Faith and work and all that, life will be happier without a high maintenance piece of property.

Now, your real estate guy is a 6 year survivor--what excellent and inspiring news that is! And here he is, living his life and doing his job---I so love to hear all that.

good luck to you all, and it was good to hear from you with a family update.


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I can imagine how you must feel about giving up your dream home and I am sorry it has come to that. Still, I think it will make your life much easier to be closer to town and what you need right now is easy. In the future you can look for another dream home when you both have the time and energy to enjoy it more.

Tell Dave he is my hero about the chemo. He certainly is taking it on the chin with what he is going through. I hope your mother does better and that you can get some rest. So glad you updated all of us. I think of you often.


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Thanks for the update; you all have been in my thoughts lately.

How sad to have to sell your "dream home", but with a little luck and some prayers, a new "dream home" can be found that will fill the dreams you have today.

My very best wishes to you all......good luck with everything :)


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