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On a lighter note....


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Mine and hubby's 8th wedding anniversary is coming upon us on Valentine's Day, and so I thought to myself - since 2004 was a wash - so to speak - and all the problems we had originally then to have to find out that my dad has - sorry had cancer and that he only had a few months to live and they were freaking right - to my misery - ANYWAY - off that -

We NEVER had a honeymoon - come to think of it - we never do anything - we will be married 8 years but we have been together 13 - we have never done anything for us - by oursleves - at all - isnt that sad.....

Anyways my point in this is this - I booked a romantic mountian cabin for just the two of us for our anniversary in the VA (VA is for Lovers right?) Shenandoah Mountains...... I cant wait - I am so excited - even though it was a bit pricey - I think we are worth it.. and I think it will get us back on the right track. A new beginning.....

here is the link to the view from the cabin.....

http://countryplacecabins.com/Imagesgif ... stshot.gif

I feel a bit like a school girl.....

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Glad you took the initiatve!

And that view will probably be white - up in the mountains - the rest of VA is pretty spotty with the beautiful whiteness.

Have a wonderful time! I know what you mean about certain years being a wash. On our 10th wedding anniversary I took Dave to the ER to hear the words "I think you have lung cancer."

I'm hoping our 12th anniversary - which is in March - holds for us something like a weekend cabin in the Shenandoah mountains!


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Mark and I heard about my diagnosis before our first anniversary....we ran away from home for a night on our first anniversary and I ended up turning myself inside out choking due to cigarette smoke at the restaurant we ate in...


Get the heart-shaped tub, if you can! I've seen ads for the Pocanos (I think I spelled that wrong) where the "tub" is a huge champagne glass...Pack yourself a romantic picnic and enjoy your time. Run away from the stress for a while.

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