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I went to the Block Medical Center in Evanston Illinois. I actually first heard of it here on this site. They are an integrative medical facility, which means that they totally believe in conventional Western medical practices, but complement that with supplements and specialized blood tests, etc.

Basically, they wanted me to become a vegan and purchase their supplements. I decided a radical change in diet like that was not for me. I do try to eat healthy foods, very little beef, and concentrate mostly on fruits and vegetables, but I think nonfat dairy and lean cuts of chicken and pork and fish, and occasionally lean beef, are the way I need to eat.

As far as the supplements, they gave me an ingredient list of the supplements they wanted me to buy. I was already getting most of the stuff at my health food store, and not paying $400.00 per month.

I am glad I went there for the information and ideas they had, but it was very expensive and out of network for me, so I don't plan to go back regularly unless I feel the need again.

I think others have gone to integrative medicine clinics at teaching hospitals where they have had their treatment. I also know that people go to herbalists and have great success.

Seems like I've seen Heather write about a magazine she gets about alternative or complementary medicine.

Just some ideas. Good luck.


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My Mum has Stage IV NSCLC (diagnosed in July 2003), and she has undertaken both conventional (chemotherapy and now radiotherapy) and alternative treatments. I couldn't even begin to list all the treatments she has tried, but she has used both nutritional supplements and has tried to adopt an "alkalinising" style diet. As far as diet goes her aim is to eat no animal fat, no sugar and as much raw fruit and vegetables as possible. She has also used melatonin, wobenzyme, and she has a supply of laetrile she has not yet used. My Dad has done extensive research into alternative treatments and a website he always liked using was www.lef.org He said it is a little bit tricky at first to navigate your way around but is worth it.

Good luck with your research



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Yes, I subscribe to Alternative Medicine Magazine, which has some great articles and references for Alternative treatments/ways of living. (You can also pick it up at Whole Foods Market)

I also went to an Integrative Medical Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. They have all sorts of alternative docs there -- you can search your area and see if you have any type of facility near you.

A nutritionist would be a good place to start. I first went to the nutritionist provided by my cancer hospital, but her advice seemed "tame" and mirrored what the American Cancer Society suggested (pretty basic stuff). I found a great nutritionist at the Integrative Medical Center and he pointed me in the right direction with supplements, dietary changes, etc.

Try scanning through all of the post in the Alternative Forum and see if you can pull some information that way -- there are lots of links to various sites in there and that should be a good start!

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I go to an MD (cancer specialist) who used to work in major comprehensive cancer centers before going into his own Complementary Care/Integrative Care practice. I use his protocol and whenever I come across anything new, we discuss it. Sometimes he adds it to my regimen, other times he says it's "snake oil". He backs everything up with research (and being the type of person I am - he brings the research up on his computer while I'm in his office, usually PubMed). He's very knowledgeable in this area. His website is www.meridianmedical.org. He also has a website with different chinese herbs for cancer, but there's so many, it helps to have an expert to go through it with you. That site is www.asiancancerherbs.com.

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I have two board certified MDs, both of whom practice mainstream and alternative medicine. They have been very helpful in helping me try to find a balance. After a car accident, I found that accupuncture really could be very helpful in alleviating pain when administered by the right practitioner (this was the neurologist) and then I started looking into other natural methods of healing from there. Before chemo, I did essiac tea and the alkaline water with MANY supplements. On chemo, I am more limited to avoid interaction.

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You mentioned you used ESSIAC tea before treatment. Did you stop drinking it when you started treatment? If you did, was it because the doctors recommended against using it while receiving treatment?

Do you know of any other supplements that should be avoided during treatment?

It sounds like you have a great team of doctors. I don't think most doctors are really that up on most herbal or other supplements.

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