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We just can't seem to get a leg up......

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Angie, so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I am really praying for you and your wonderful Dad. Please, don't ever think that you are whining. This is a major life changing event you are dealing with and we are all here to hold your hand and give you hugs, prayers and support to make it through this difficult time.

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this stinks. but my thought is, if the patient wants to continue the fight, there's always SOMETHING you can do. And Fay knew about the chemo regimen for this.

Hang in there kiddo. You're not a whiner. You're a fighter and a strong woman.

and keep us posted. you and your dad need to talk about what to do next.

God Bless,


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why would it be game over if the spinal fluid contains cancer. there is a chemo for that and its called Methotrexate and its for cancer of the spinal fluid. Its mostly used in lukemia patients but it can be either in pill or injection form.

what does your dad want to do. if he wants to fight on, he should. Of course your not ready to loose him, who would think you would be. You never want to loose your parent, especially one as close to your dad as you are.

I am here if you want to vent.

if you don't have my number anymore pm me for it.

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