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update on Mommy and prayers requested

Heather M.

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I haven't posted for a while because life has been crazy! But, I thought I would take a few minutes and catch you guys up. My mom just finished her 6th cycle of chemo on Wednesday and we were glad for the day. She was hospitalized in January with pulmonary embolisms (I know that there is a way to make that word plural :lol: ) Her oncologist didn't think she would be able to tolerate chemo any more because her lungs were so fragile. However, Mom proved her wrong and a week later had chemo session number 5. She is having CT scans and a MRI on Tuesday and we should have the results by Thursday. Please pray for her! Thank you to all of you. Even though I haven't posted, I try to read the new posts a few times a week. I am praying for everyone. Without you all, I would be lost right now. The new picture is my beautiful mom, my husband Bill, my 10 year old son David, my 9 year old daughter Brianna, and the blond haired 3 year old is our daughter Kaitlyn. God bless you guys and I will let you know how things go on Thursday.

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Hi Heather.

So glad for the update. And I just love the family picture. You can tell that grandma is the favorite there...must be for a reason.

You're right. She is a beautiful Mom. What a good looking woman. You have my prayers for the best of results on her CT scan. It is a nerve-wracking wait. I hope that the report will make the wait worthwhile. God Bless.

Cindi o'h

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Hi Heather,

You are a wonderful daughter. You mom is so lucky to have you all. is that your family in the pic? Beautiful

You mom certainly has had her ups and downs. Poor lady she has been through so much. My heart goes out to her, and you.

Hang in there. Good luck with her tests Fingers crossed her test result will be favortable, and she will go into remission.

Prayers sent your way


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