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Hello everybody:-)

I hope you all are doing well

I haven't posted for a while because I didn't have any news regarding the treatment our brother was supposed to receive... They had told him that ("maybe") a new pill ("chemo") was going to be the new treatment.. but it turns out that he will be receiving almita every 21 days...Today it was his first treatment!

Does anyone here knows anything about this treatmnet?

Any info will be highly appreciated, side effects etc.

GOD BLESS you all!

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I am currently receiving Alimta (on treatment #6). It's the easiest that I have had! I have had Taxotere and Taxol/Carboplatin in the past......all three were horrible and I felt like I was going to die.

Alimta only takes about 20 minutes to receive and I have had NO side affects (that I can think of), I'm usually "jittery" on the 2nd day of chemo, but that's it.

It should be a very positive and good experience for your brother. The only side effects the doc mentioned to me was being tired.

Good luck!

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far he is feeling ok!

A little dizzy, and experiencing pain in his feet!

Bother Diagnosed August 2004'

Stage IV NSCLC primary tumor in right lung.

10/2004 Radiation(completed) and Cisplatin (Not completed)

1/2005 Taxotere (3 treatments out of 6-discontinue treatment - developed pneumonia)*Significant tumor reduction* after taxotere.

2/2005pleural effusion

3/2005 Ct scan shows 3 new nodules on left lung. Primary tumor stable. New visible tumor on right upper side of chest, below clavicle.

4/2005 taking steroids

5/31/2005 started on Alimta

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