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really heavy phlem


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Is anyone experiencing really heavy phlem when eating or drinking anything?

My mom has been having really heavy phlem for the last week or so. Its gotten so bad the last 2 days she can't get anything in except a little water. I am trying to make myself believe its allot of her nerves due to the PET scan tomorrow (7/18) but its gotta be more than that.

She has really bad phlem coughing fits whenever she eats or drinks anything at all. any suggestions. I have tried juices, skim milk, coolatas, lemonade, flavored waters. Nothing she takes in doesn't cause this phlem. :?::roll::(

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I have just recently gone through something very much like this, and it was caused by severe Gastric Reflux. I was apparently aspirating some of the stomach acid into the back of my throat and into the top of my remaining lung. Not good. The coughing would start about 45 minutes to an hour after I ate or drank. It was terrible, and the secretions I coughed up would contribute to the nausea and vomitting. I was eventually put on Prevacid, and after about a week there was a huge improvement.

There is also something called a Fistula that can occur between the Esophagus and the Trachea. If this kind of opening occurs Stomach acid and stomach contents end up in the trachea or lung where they don't belong. It's my understanding that the docs can sometimes surgically repair Fistulas.

I hope that it turns out to be something like the Gastric Reflux, Shelly.

Hang in there.

Fay A.

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My Dad deals with a lot of phlegm. He recently developed dysphagia which is a swallowing disorder. It began about 6 months ago -- he coughed up a lot of phlegm shortly after eating. Then he had his lung surgery in May. About 10 days after the surgery, he could barely swallow anything. The theory is that he was developing this disease (dysphagia) and then had the operation which weakened him so much that the full fledged dysphagia was finally able to "take hold." Anyhow, a modified barium swallow was given to him and that showed the difficulties. He's on a very restricted diet of foods that he can eat since they were able to test the consistencies of solids and liquids during the barium swallow to see which he could best handle. This is just what a patient receiving chemo does not need. Anyhow, Shelly, I hope your Mom's phlegm is due to something entirely different and is temporary. If you have anymore questions in the future about dysphagia, let me know.

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My husband has heavy phlem whitish and has had it from day one. It just comes all the time. They gave him Robitussin DM which helps a tiny bit. The phlem makes him nausea and sometimes the gag reflux of the phlem makes him vomit. He says the taste if horrible. I keep asking Doctors about it and they say it is from the tumor but never have a solution. Carol

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Today they did moms PET scan at 7:30 am. as of 8:10 pm were still waiting, we were told at 1 pm we would hear by 3 pm the results. then we spoke to ONC. about massive phlem problem and not being able to get even water in. He ordered a esophagram. mom could not swallow the crap so they could take the picture so they admitted her to hospital. She can't have any food or water at all. They said there is definitely a blockage in the throat but are unsure until they scope her or PET comes back if its more cancer.

i am without hope.

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