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good news I think

Guest naomicolwell

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Guest naomicolwell

Hello everyone, wanted to pass on news, not sure if it is good or not, but sounds promising.

Mom got admitted into hospital on Friday, have so many issues with fluid on the lungs that they are going to do the "talc" procedure, once her fluid out take per day is less tha 100 - 150. So far once a week it has been over 800 on the left side and nothing right now on the right.

From what I can find it sounds like it can provide good results, can anyone give me their personal experince from it?

Thank you,


Diagnosed May 2004, stage 3b

Taking Iressa doing well

PET Scan clear - August 2004

PET Scan clear - November 2004

May 2005, coughing again, x-ray showing fluid on lungs.

Switched medication to Tarceva

Continuing draining lungs several times over last few weeks, over 800 each time on left. Tube inserted on right side, but no fluid (of course).

Admitted to hospital on Friday, tube inserted on left side and "talc" prodecure to be completed soon.

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I haven't had the talc procedure, but I did have a tube inserted to drain my pleural effusion, called a Denver Catheter. It has kept the fluid away for a year now, and I've heard many of those who have had the talc procedure have also had excellent results.

I hope she is feeling better with all that fluid gone!


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I have not had experience with it, but I did hear that patients got some excellent results with this procedure. Here's hoping it clears up your Mom's problem and she feels much better after it is done.


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