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Numbness after surgery?


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Just wanted to ask if anyone has experienced numbness all over their body after surgery? It is almost 6 weeks and I am still experiencing numbness...my legs, my arms, my face, my scalp..you name it, it feels numb. Not prickly numb but like a light novacaine numb...when I touch my nose it feels like after you have a drink or two. Its there but its numb. I know people have had certain parts numb but all over??

When I went for my 2 week post op I told my surgeon about it and he just waved it off and said I just had major surgery. He had told me originally that the incision cuts through so many nerves that it takes a while to "reconnect" but he didn't say that it would be my whole body. I'm wondering if the epidural that I had in for 4 days messed with my spine and the nerves connecting there because it is still "twingy" there occasionally.

In the meantime, I feel like I'm going insane. I can't explain how strange my body feels. I should just be glad that it is not pain, but this numbness is so disconcerting, that some days I feel like I'm just crazy and its not physical, its in my head. I mean, why should my whole body feel like this? Is this normal? I'm not on any medication either, in the beginning I thought maybe it was the pain pills.

Anyway, if anyone has ever experienced all over numbness after surgery, please let me know so that I know its not in my mind and I'm just insane! It keeps me from sleeping..Im afraid that it will never go away and I end up staying awake all night fearing everything. It would help if someone else has felt this or has any idea of what it could be.

Thanks, Debi

46 years old

Stage 1A- Surgery June 16,2003- right mid and upper lobe removed

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I have no clue, but if I were you I would call my doctor first thing tomorrow. I bet it is a side effect of the surgery or the epidural and I also bet that the doctor can do or prescribe something to lessen the feeling.

Keep us posted.

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Call whomever you must to obtain a referral to a Neurologist. I have some numbness like what you describe. It can be dangerous for us if we can't feel things. You could burn or injure yourself and not know it. So you should have this evaluated by someone who is expert in neurology.

Hope things go better for you very soon.

Fay A.

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