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I received the nicest surprise in the mail yest.......


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It was an announcement from Andrea B. that she mailed to her family and friends regarding a 6 mile fundraising hike through the woods on November 6, 2005, with 100% proceeds going to LCSC!!!!!

I am not sure if anyone else did a fundraiser in the past with 100% going to LCSC, but I am honored and flattered to say that in the BEAUTIFUL card/announcement, (you may know Andrea designs cards and bracelets through www.creativegirldesigns.com ) Andrea B. said that she is doing this hike for her mom, my mom, Natalie's mom, Denise's mom (niececola), and a gentleman I don't know.

I won't invade Andrea's privacy by giving out the address where she asked donations to be sent payable to LCSC, but if you want to donate to LCSC in support of Andrea B's hike (wherein she promised to burn calories for me too), just click on the donation button to the left! Let Katie know it is for Andrea B so we can post a final tally!!

Thank you Andrea for doing this! You are such an inspiration. Andrea is the type of girl you want to hate b/c physically she is beautiful and thin. But once you get to know her, you forget about wanting to hate her and you love her :lol:

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Andrea, you are so sweet! What a nice post. It is my pleasure to be doing something for a great cause and in honor of those who mean so much to me. I hope my mom would be proud. :)

My profile photo is of my fundraiser from last year. I was joined by a few friends. It will be the same this year and then next year my hope is to make it even bigger.

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