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We didn't get our daily question from Ann.


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Ann, I know you are in Fla. and at the area where Wilma has hit. I hope all is well with and we probably did not hear from you because you do not have electricity.

Please post when you can to let us know if everything is okay with you and your home.

Miss you and pray everything is alright.


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Power is on now and we're all fine. Thanks for thinking of me. I guess our county was the hardest hit in central Florida. The folks to the south of us had much more damage. Things were fine here until about 7:00 am and then all hell broke loose. We had some really good wind gusts and lots of rain. You could have rowed a canoe down my street. we had three tornadoes touch down in my area but none really near me. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! By the way...can you believe it's supposed to be in the 40's here in Florida?

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Hi Ann,

So glad your electricity is back and that you posted. It really sounds like your area got whipped, but Iam glad you did not have damage and that Wilma has left the building. :) and Floria..

Welcome back... yes Cindi was bad... she has to be spanked with a wet noodle :?

Maryanne :wink:

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Q: What do you like to do when the lights go out?

Personally, I like to b*tch about the power company as I wait on their automated system to report the outage. :roll:

Then, I really enjoy bashing the helloutta my shin stumbling across the kitchen looking for a flashlight. :roll:

Ann, glad you're safe and sound and got YOUR power back on!

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