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It wasn't Lung Cancer


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Hello Everyone;

I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted here. I just wanted to let you all know how I made out this past summer.

My story began with a visit to the doctor back in May for a cold with blood pooling at the back of my throat each morning. I just assumed it was from snoring. My doctor ordered X-rays and they discovered a 2.9 cm nodule on my upper right lung. CT scan confirmed this growth was cavernous(sp). The location precluded a needle biopsy so I went to see the surgeon. He felt the lymph node near my clavicle and said it was enlarged and therefore very worrisome. He ordered a PET scan wich showed no lymph node involvement but a "process" showed up on my spine. I had an MRI which showed the "process" was harmless. Back to simple lung cancer. I had two lobes of my right lung removed. Two weeks after the surgery, when I was having my staples removed the surgeons assistant asked if anyone had gone over my pathology report. I said no and he informed me the nodule was just scar tissue from pneumonia and there was no evidence of cancer anywhere. I can't express the feeling that ran through my mind. I had my life back and I consider myself so very lucky.I just wanted - and needed - to Thank everyone on this forum. Your strength, courage, good humour and compassion got me through the darkest days of my life.I just wish everyone could be as lucky as I was with this diagnosis.

Bill Lordan

PS: This was my second lung cancer scare in 5 years. I hope I never have to go through this experience again but, if I do, it is nice to know there are so many caring people out there willing to help you survive this monstrous disease.

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