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Recurrent fevers


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I nay have posted about this before, but anyway, does anyone go thru recurrent, low grade fevers. I just had this on October 23/24. Now tonight I have it again. I had a bad head cold last week and have a bad cough from that. This whole week have been feeling hot/cold, tired. Today at work I thought I'd fall asleep at my desk. I'm taking Zithromax (3 day dose) which does the trick. Does anyone else go thru this. It's the pits. It makes you want to do nothing at all! Do you think that radiation makes you more prone to getting bacterial infections down the road? I use bacterial gel on my hands all the time as I'm in constant contact with the public, ride the subway, etc. I wash my hands all the time but I keep getting this. What else can I do?????



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Are your WBC down? I understand many times when our white count is low the body fights infection not from the outside but from bacteria we've always had within us. The low immune system simply lets them get a toehold on us.

The recurrent fevers may be from that. The best way to find out is to tell your doctor and make him determine their cause. If your fever is 101 call him now.

Please understand anything I say is second hand. Your doctor knows best.

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On TV the other day it said Mom was right "Don't get wet and cold or you'll catch a cold" They actually tested people by puting their feet in cold water every day, found they were more likely to catch a cold. The other informative information I heard on TV was to eat a fresh orange every day, it is better than orange juice to prevent a cold. I think anything you can do to boost your immune system helps, like 8 hours of good sleep etc. drink plenty of fluids.

Did you get your flu shot, this is cold and flu season. Hope your feeling better. Donna G

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Joanie...I have been going through some strange feelings myself. For a couple of months now, I have been having the same low grade fevers in the evening and then in the morning, I feel line. I still have felt run down and just feel as if my body is really working overtime to fight something off. Some days, my body seems to win and then other days the "thing" wins. I did finally have a full blown stomach virus last week but still feel all-in-all yucky!!! Hope you start feeling better really soon!

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