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Are these the signs of lung cancer?


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For several months now, I've been having horrible coughing spells. It usually lasts for hours and leads to dizziness and heavy phelgm production. My throat feels scratchy and I can taste blood after each cough.

I don't smoke and never have. But my dad used to smoke two packs a day up until 10 years ago. Even with the coughs, I usually play basketball for hours and often jog for three hours straight without a problem. I don't have a problem with shortness of breath while exercising.

Does any of this sound like sign of lung cancer or am I being paranoid?

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It could be a number of different things, many of with ARE NOT lung cancer. The first thing you should do is go see your general practioner and relate to him/her what you just stated here. A chest x-ray is usually the next step if he/she suspects that it could be LC.

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JoeB hhit the nail on the head see your family dr. for a xray and check it out. the longer you wait the worse it could get. dana reeeves was a nonsmoker and so are a lot of survivors. Keep us posted on results. Prayers and wishes.

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Go get it checked out, if for nothing else but to ease your mind. If it is something, it is better to catch it and treat it as early as possible no matter what it is. It is not necessarily a symptom of cancer. Hope this helps, Patty

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