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taxotere aggressive,every 3 weeks


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Does anyone know how long it takes before you start feeling better with this treatment?I felt like crap the whole 3 weeks last time.Had the final one a week ago.My legs ache so bad they dont want to carry me across the floor,diareah today.rashy face.Feel like an orange with all the juice squeezed out.Blood work tomorrow,oh boy


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Hi Marie:

Are you taking Glutamine and B6 supplements? It's suppose to help with neuropathy a little bit. My husband completed 3 taxotere and so far ok. knock on wood. He had the runs on the second week, imodium took care of it. His eyes is watery all time like the same side effects with Alimta. Do you have a watery eyes? I hope you will feel better soon.



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Well, I call it Taxoterror, because Lucie had all kinds of side effects from it. Actually, she had a combination of Taxotere and Carboplatin. She had nausea, fatigue, loss of hair, swelling of the legs, fingernails and toenails turned black, bowel problems, mouth fungus. But, it worked! So we were grateful for it. Don

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That Don can be a stitch, can't he? Taxoterror. That is pretty funny. And right.

I had a lot of fatigue and weakness with mine too. It took quite awhile before I noticed I was getting some of my poop back.

Hang in there. Rest. Water. Exercise as often and as much as you can, even if it is little bits.

(My toenail fell off.. and I got the mouthsores/thrush too)

Cindi o'h

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You got it Don.Taxoterror is what they should call it.I havent had the mouth sores as yet,or the nail problems but I lost my hair,swollen legs everyday,nose bleeds,and so achy and fatigued,head aches,you name it I got it.Glad the treatments are over for now.I hope the taxoterror knocks hell out of the cancer,its knocking hell out of my body.

thanks for the info all.


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When my body ached from chemo and antibiotics. My PC told me to take Liquid Gel Advil,(2) every 4 hours. Said don't pay attn. to what the label said. It worked for me. Now ask your doctor 1st. I am not a doctor, each person is different.

Hope you start feeling better, in my prayers. Glad you are getting a break to recoup...


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