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Hey Grace,

Hope you did not melt out there! Boy it poured here on and off this afternoon but seems to be calm for the moment.

Yes Brad was way too damn young to be lost to this disease and it tore me apart to be so helpless to do anything about it. But I honour his memory every time I post here on this site and I never stop looking, praying and hoping.....

I am still smiling about Aaron and the boyfriend comment. He is still in the state, out in Jamaica Plain, MA with his sister for today and part of tomorrow then he will be flying back to Vancouver, BC. Great kid. We all miss him already!

Ok, off to get dinner in control,

Thanks again!


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Hello Ladies,

I hope you both had a dry weekend. Went to the Cape, of course the sun didn't come out til today and we had to leave early b/c of my crown appointment.

Called and left a message for the cyberknife coordinator. Hopefully she gets back to us quickly. Steve and I are on vacay the first week of August, it looks like my father's cyberknife treatment will have to cut into some of it. It's alright though, you gotta do what you gotta do right? Steve's so understanding with all of this.

Praying for a speedy appointment. Going home tomorrow to take my father out to brunch. There's a place on Rt. 1 that he's eager to take me to.

Ciao for now,


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Hiya Shirley

Well it was not the driest of weekends here but it was not a complete loss, either. No complaints!

Hoping the crown goes well and is over and done quickly.

Praying for a quick appt for the cyberknife~ Keep us posted!

And, hope brunch is great. I am sure it will be, and the company could not be better, eh? lol

Hi to Steve and hopefully we can catch up soon. I think I am around this evening so I will look for you then.



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Hi All :lol:

It's a quick and to the point update.

My father has an appointment at Beth Israel for a CT scan to see if the seed placement is indeed in place. The coordinator also mentioned that the doctor will be there to discuss treatment planning. My father said that I don't need to take any time off for it and that he'll be fine going to this apt himself. Oh yeah, the appointment time is 1 pm this Thursday.

Please pray that the seeds are in place and for a speedy procedure date.



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Hi Shirley

This seeding is all so new to me but I am very interested to find out how it goes. Please keep us all posted and of course prayers are going out and up for proper placement! I am going to do some reading about this procedure today so I can get caught up on this and be more able to help you out along this latest avenue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Here's a long overdue update......

My father had a three part treatment with cyberknife. The first was on Aug. 4th that lasted about three hours, the second was on Aug. 7th that lasted two hours and today which lasted three hours.

My father said that all you do is lay there and the robot does all the work. He says that the robot arm just goes and does it's thing.

The side effect that is hitting my father is the fatigue. I guess his dose of radiation was quite high, too high for them to treat another problem area in additiont to the two tumors they already treated.

He's also had a low fever on Aug. 4th, 5th and 7th. The fellow explained that it could be a number of things ranging from infection to necrosis. Right now it's just watch and wait.

The follow up CT scan to see if everything worked is on Sept. 12th. The follow up MRI to see if the gammaknife worked is on Aug. 24th. Crossing all my fingers and toes.

Hope everything is well,


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Hi All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Father's fatigue has become a lot better when I called home yesterday morning. In fact, when I called when I got home from work early evening he told me that if he continues to feel good the next day it will be a Foxwoods day trip. :P

I think he said that he also slept the night before too. Don't remember if he took the Ambien though...

Happy Friday.


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I think fatigue is just a regular part of your dads' life now. I know thats' the case w/ my husband, I told him, he could probably fall asleep standing up! But if you think about all that they are going thru, it's alot! so I'd rather take the fatigue rather than being really ill. Hang in there Shirley, best thing for your dad to do is sleep, let him do what his body is telling him to do.....

Take care,

===try to enjoy the beautiful weather!!!!


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Hi All,

My Father went to see the med onc at Commonwealth today.

Things that were accomplished:

refilled prescription for Ambien

set apointment for chemo to start - Sept. 5th

got an explanation about the side effects of Decadron - ends up the fatigue and the feeling of not being able to pick up your legs is very common. Funny how no other doctor explained this one. The doctor is also going to wean my Father off of the steroid. Hopefully the fatigue and the insomnia will go with it as well.

My Father always thought that the Decadron is for his headaches but it's only to reduce the swelling of the brain. The doc prescribed him Oxycodone instead to use if Tylenol doesn't cut it.

The low grade fevers are common after cyberknife - again courtesy of Dr. Mulvey. The fevers are caused by the cancer cells being killed by the radiation. I guess low grade fever can be a good thing - I think it makes sense. Again - no one really explained that it was a common side effect. In fact we were told by Beth Israel that it is not. Go figure.

I think that's it for now. My Father really likes his new doctor. She takes the time to examine him, answer our questions and is willing to offer treatment options.

Hope everyone had a graet day,


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Hey Shirley,

Thx. for the update on your dad. I'm so happy things are finally falling into a good place!

I heard Dr. Mulveys' name mentioned today, of course u know we went to BI today. It took us 2 hrs of traffic to get there :( . I had mentioned cyberkn to his onc at BI, he said he would talk to Dr. Mulvey, but perhaps if things turned a certain way, he might.

But for the most of it, dr. was glad to see and hear my husband doing well. He said for him to keep thru his current chemo. scan and go on from there.

perhaps, a clinical trial, but there are criterias....but over all tiring day.

*** I was taken aback today by something his onc. said, that he was ashamed to admit that the cancer community isn't doing enough for small cell lung cancer, most of lc trials are for lclc....I told him I wasn't suprised a bit....

Well going out to the movies w/ hubby, we'll catch up soon....


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Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the weekend. Hoping that the terrential rain falls didn't cause too much damage. Luckily, it only poured at night when we were down the Cape.

My Father still has a little fatigue, but not as bad as before. He's even been to the casino a few times. However, on Saturday I heard that he had a terrible headache earlier in the day that left him bedridden. Luckily it didn't last too long. Thoughts? Feelings? We were going to have it checked out if it happened again but thankfully it didn't. I'm thinking about asking the neuro-oncologist when we go see them on Thursday.

My Father is going to have another MRI to see if the gammaknife worked. Good Lord - I'm praying so hard that it did. I'm trying to remain hopeful that it did and that new mets did not form. Since gammaknife is only a localized radiation, I'm afraid that new ones have sprouted since the last MRI 2 months ago. Argghhhhh. I'm hoping that there are more treatment options if there are no new mets. Please no new mets. :cry:

Praying, praying and more praying.


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