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Getting to Know You - July 28


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You're traveling on an airplane and you know the plane is about to crash. As the plane circles, trying to use all the fuel, you have time to write a few quick notes. To whom would you write and what would you say?

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I would write my children of course. I would thank them for the joy and pride they have given me and tell them how much I love them and how very proud they have made me.

Of course, then I would have to write to my friends and thank them for all the good times and love and support they have given me.

An then I would have to write ....... do you get the drift, I am hoping that if I keep writing the pilot will figure out how to save us.

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Like Ginny, I would have to write each of my boys a note and remind them just how much they mean to me and how my life has been shaped by each of them. I would also write a letter to Dick and thank him for making these past months happy for me. I would also have to write my best friend, Sue, a note and tell her just how much I have always appreciated and loved her for always being there for me. Oh...I think I would also write a note for my unborn grandchild and tell that sweet little one how much their grandma loved them...even before they were born!!!

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Darn Ann where do you come up with these thought's??? Not sure my self if i'd be writing note's as i'd be either Saying the Rosary or as the old joke goes i'd be bent over with my head between my leg's kissing my old rear end good bye...But if i'd write any note's they would be pretty much in what you all have written , but i might add a separate note telling those left behind not to weep for me as with GOD's Grace i'd be with My Wife in paradise.......Larry

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I would write to my parents and family.

I would tell them Thank you for being the best family that anyone could ever ask for. I would tell them that I was grateful every day of my life that God blessed me with them. I would also ask them to celebrate and not mourn my passing as I was finally feeling joy again as I will be reunited with my soulmate. They should smile knowing I was where I have longed to be since the moment Keith left me and I am happy again.

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