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Carleen - I attended my aunts funeral today. She was 87 and suffered from Alzheimers and really hadn't even recognized any relatives recently or was coherent of her surroundings so it really was her time to go. It was 100 degrees and we were all crammed around the burial site sweating through our nice clothes and waiting for the priest to begin the service. And then a nice breeze began to blow and we heard the clank of a COW BELL. The priest said "I believe the cow bell is instructing us to begin." It was some sort of wind chime placed on the neighboring grave. And I thought "wouldn't Keith be the type of person here to greet a stranger and say, 'Don't be afraid. It's lovely here.'"

I did not shed a tear at the funeral home last night or at the church today. But I gotta tell ya when we were at the gravesite and that cowbell started clanking my eyes were welling up.


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