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Dad has Lung Cancer


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Looking to see if anyone knows of what my Dad is currently experiencing after Chemo and radiation.

Within the last week my Dad's short term memory has gotten really bad. My Dad ended the Chemo & radiation in April and the cancer is at a stand still, we just had a head scan to see if there is now cancer in the brain due to the sudden short term memory loss and the scan came back fine, THANK GOD for that!

Has anyone experienced Short term memory loss a few months after the treatments? He is now scheduled to see a Neurologist next Wednesday.

Thanks for any info!

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Sorry, :oops: my Dad has IIIA Lung Cancer from smoking (I can't remember the name). He was diagnosed last December of 2005, started Chemo in January and radiation & chemo in March. We were told they could not operate to remove the cancer due to it involving a main artery to the heart. The tumor was the size of a peach/plum and has shrunk down to 1/8 of an inch. I'm not totally sure what meds he is currently on other than prednazone (spelling?) and other meds he's been on for a long time. He is also on oxygen.

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How old is your Dad? We have seen an upsurge in Tony's short term memory loss since he completed his heavy chemo in May. He had the whole "chemo-brain" thing going during chemo, but since then his memory has gone on the fritz. We mention it to the Doctor, but he wasn't worried at this point. My brain has also gone on the fritz lately and I think all of this short-term stuff can be stress and age related. (Sorry to say!! :( )

Since Tony's cancer has now spread outside the lungs, I assume a head scan will be in order to double-check that things upstairs are alright in relation to mets. Sounds like your Doc is on top of things.

Good luck,


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Hi Amy, I have had some short term memory loss, I think, as a result of my 2 chemos. It is not very pronounced.

Your dad may be a candidate for cyberknife surgery now that the primary has been brought under control and if the lymph nodes are clear now. They can finish off the tumor even if it is close to the heart artery. It is worth checking out. Go to:


and ask the radiation oncologists there about your dad's situation. They are very helpful and answer within 24 hours.

Hmmm looking at yor post, the tumor might be too small now for cyberknife. I think it has to be big enough to insert metal markers in for the machine to track its movement as your dad breathes. It is still worth checking out though. It is a great site. It may give you a perspective for future options.

Don M

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Thanks for all the support and information.

My Dad had the head scan and no cancer, THANK GOD. BUT, we got a call a few days later and there was some shrinking in an area of the brain, the Dr. said it could have been a small stroke or other things for the memory loss. We are meeting with the Oncologist tomorrow and he is going to do dome tests on my Dad. We will also find out the results of the scan on the lungs to see if the tumor has remained at 1/8 of an inch. We were told they ran the series of blood work they normally do and it call came back normal! I'll keep everyone posted!

Amy J

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