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I still can't get into the chats. So I am giving up. I have sent several emails to Rick, and I don't think he can help me, I have like four names going and if I window wash my computer I can't even get back on here, so I am bummed out.

I have been trying all summer and there isn't a place to click "chat" well at least not when there is a chat going on. :(

does anyone else have these problems??



so I finally got it through a link, the problem was, I can seem to register on the main page only the forum, and then there was no place to type, and yes I made the screen as big as possible, and it still didn't work, so to everyone that said "hi" I wasn't ignoring, I couldn't reply/../ I tried it on 3 differnet servers and even turned on my firewall, and nothing worked.. Oh well.:(


Hey Steph;;

You were on the chat, we all saw ya, You just have to maximize the box so you can post a message, :shock: You're real close, don't give up!

try again on the Wed. chat, hang in there

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"



I know I could see people, my screen was maximized :(

I don't know what else to do. Maybe I'll dowload another browser and try.

Anyhow to get on you go to the main page and log on, not the messgae boards and then it comes up in big maroon letters on the left, and when you click it, you should be in, just didn't work for me. :)


The main page will not let me log in , keeps failing my login. But I can go to the boards themselves and login. I'm logged in right now. I've tried 2 different browsers and 2 different computers ...

I also tried a link last night, same deal





The same thing happens to me when I try to access the chat. Can't make the box any larger and no place to type in a response. I gave up Month's ago.

Fay A.


Please GO to TECHNICAL support. RIck has put some really good instructions on there just now. When I was having problems, it was because all my screens were maximized with the largest fonts and the bottom part where you type could not even be seen! I went into "MY COMPUTER" and minimized my view and then instead of AOL, I dial-up and click on my Internet Explorer (E) browser. Hope this helped.


Thats my story and I'm stickiing to it!!! Learned that from your great Mother! Tell her I said HI Judyb and we got to get that cheerleaders outfit back out soon! Hugs to yhou and your mom Steph!


Here is what I haev learned,

for THIS board, on the chat, I can't use AOL

Also I had to change the setting on my cokkies in Explorer,

also BLT, you need to have seperate log ins for all areas? Anyhwo ask Ricky he knows everything!! :D

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