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Want to share some happy news


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Since I've joined this wonderful message board, I've whined :( and sought & received advice and comfort :) and am so very grateful to everyone who replied.

So I decided I really should share some happy news! My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first baby in mid-November. They told us just about the same time that my "Adventure" with A-Fib and Lung Nodule discovery began. Knowing this little baby was joining our family certainly has kept me going - and I have to get better because I will be babysitting :D our little Snugglebug when mom returns to part time work in the spring. The Baby Shower is this Sunday and so far we have been able to keep Kath in the dark (thanks to her hubby's help). Doing the crafty things for the Shower has been a godsend, too. This will be our third grandchild(we have 2 little granddaughters) and I am as excited as if this was our first.


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I love grandchildren. IN fact, i am like my grandmother was. She would have loved for all her three children and their families to all move in with her. I would love that too. Love being around them...Buddy and I have always taken them out, starting with the first one who is 9 down to the last one (I guess) age 2 and having lunch, movies, playtime in some sports place, etc. As down as Buddy has been, he and I took the 2 yr old out for lunch about 10 days ago.

You will love it.....of course, you will be broke too....all those cute clothes and toys....

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What an upper! The bundles are blessings, and it sounds as if this is keeping you motivated, too! Remember that without you, there would not have been this particular special person coming into the world. You're entitled to be proud and excited! Have fun at the shower, and how neat that it is still a surprize!

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The Baby Shower was wonderful! And daughter was truly surprised - she had been trying to guess which weekend and where!! I didn't realize how much fun I had until that night(exhausted) and took me 2 days to not feel so tired! BUT I would do it all over again. Thanks for all your wishes and I will let you know when the new grandbaby is born and if it's a boy or girl. :D


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