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  1. Ray Glad you are feeling much better. EileenM
  2. Hi Angie It has been one year (July 2003)since I had my upper right lobe removed and lymph nodes were clean. The only follow up I have is Ctscans and blood work every 4 months the first year - every 6 months the 2nd year and then once a year annually(as long as there is no reoccurence) I had VATS (Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery) done. Have heard one recovers sooner from VATS surgery. Anyway - I walked a short distance the first day of surgery by leaning on a nurse (onc surgeon was gung ho about getting his patients out of bed early). The next day I walked very slowly and unsteadily in the hallway with my husband and my drainage bag (there were several of us in the hallway all carrying the drainage bags - we looked weird). Came home on the 3rd day. The onc surgeon also was insistent on using the Spirometer and doing the "finger wall walk". So I did it all. The amount of walking increased as my pain decreased. I faithfully took Dilaudid for the pain (I'm not big on pain for at least 3 weeks but cutting back from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 and then none by the end of August 2003. I still get short of breath if I walk too fast or go up the stairs too fast or talk while I'm walking. And I still have a pulling sensation on the right side - the oncologist said that is the nerves regenerating and the sensations can come and go for years. I agree with Muriel K. about the onc surgeon being the expert on surgery and the oncologist for the treatment. My onc surgeon had a reallllly biiiig ego and told me I didn't need to see an Oncologist because he knew what I needed. Sooooo, I hurried to an Oncologist. The Oncologist and the Onc Surgeon did agree on the follow up treatment. BUT the onc surgeon didn't like to be asked questions and I dreaded going for my appts. So I am now going to an Oncologist that is near where I live and I am very happy with him. Recovery(emotionally & physically) depends on the person. I recovered faster physically than I did emotionally. Just take it slow and do the spirometer, finger wall walk and walking. I started out walking for five minutes in the yard 3 times a day with my husband (felt like I had done a marathon). This is a wonderful board with wonderful people who listen and understand. EileenM
  3. KitKathi Glad you are happy with your new style. And it's wonderful that you donated your hair to Locks of Love. EileenM
  4. EileenM


    Hi Debi It has been one year and one week and 2 days since I had my surgery (but who's counting ) I, too, still have a pulling sensation on my right side and under my breast. Some days I can wear a bra comfortably and other days I can't stand it and off it goes. I did have a 2 week period where I had no discomfort at all (thought that was the end of it). My onc also said it is the nerves regenerating and could go on for a few years with the discomfort coming and going. I had VATS surgery done and sometimes the big incision feels swollen and the others feel itchy. I agree that you should have your bone scan done for peace of mind. EileenM
  5. KitKathi You've probably already gone to the hairdresser. Soooo, I will just wait to see/hear what you've decided to do. After alot of hemming and hawing, I am going to the hairdresser tomorrow - been letting my hair grow but can't do a thing with it. Going to have a Consultation first (la dee da ) and then the new hairstyle. If I don't like what I get, I guess I will repeat over and over - It will grow back - It will grow back!!
  6. Ray Hope you are feeling much better really soon. Maybe with the nice sunny weather we are having in NJ might help you feel a little better. A fellow Jerseyan EileenM
  7. Dan Thinking of you and remembering you in my prayers. EileenM
  8. Enjoyed seeing the pictures - you all looked like you were having a great time. Some day I am going to visit Mackinac Island - ever since I saw the movie "Somewhere in Time" I have wanted to go. In fact, I would love to see all of Michigan!! EileenM
  9. Oh boy! I'm glad to learn I am not alone with the weight problem. Had belonged to a gym but realized I was paying for alot of stuff I wasn't putting to use anymore. So, just joined CURVES - I like it and think it will be easy to stick with. It's close to home and the music is great (lots of oldies but goodies). Also walking for exercise. I, too, have "thin" clothes just waiting to be worn again. I just bought 2 new blouses - I call them "my going to the doctor clothes". I just have to remember not to wear the same one on consecutive visits. EileenM
  10. Hi I clipped the article out of the paper, but can't find it now. Can you give us the website that has the information? Would greatly appreciate it. Tried Google and nothing came up. Thanks EileenM
  11. Hi Dianne Welcome! You sure have a great attitude that will take you far. This is a wonderful board with a lot of wonderful caring people. EileenM
  12. EileenM

    Double visioin

    Hi - Had my doctor's appt. today and the results of the MRI are normal. I'm relieved to learn my brains are really in my head and not in my butt ) So with the MRI being normal, the previous blood tests being normal, the dr. ordered 2 more blood tests which he feels will also be normal because I have not had another episode of double vision and do not feel sick. My reflexes are fine. One is for Myasthenia Gravis and the other is LEMS. Regardless of the results I will have a future appt in October with him. Also feels that a spike in my blood pressure may have caused it. Could be - selling a house is stressful(as SJAS stated) especially when the potential buyers kept giving us the run-around. We're back on the market - I think I will have it written in the contract that from now on the buyers have to take a lie detector test Thanks for all your prayers, good wishes and good vibes. They all worked Hebbie - forgot how we Joisey folk use the word Shore instead of Beach. We're planning a day trip to the Shore hopefully in August if the weather straightens out. EileenM
  13. Wishing your mom the best. EileenM
  14. Hello Memere My oncology surgeon had an EGO problem - with encouragement from people on this site I found an oncologist that I am happy with. This is a wonderful site. Lots of caring and understanding people. EileenM
  15. EileenM

    Double visioin

    Hi - the Carotid Doppler was okay. And the blood tests came back normal. Had the MRI on the 15th. The neurologist said he would call with the results, but I asked him not to call. Don't want to get bad news over the phone and I would rather wait until my appointment to hear the results. Wasn't sure when I'd get the MRI appt. so made the doc appt. on the 28th. Went for a visit to Ohio over the weekend. Told myself I wasn't going to think about what the MRI results could be. Just had a good time being with the in-law family. My 2 kids and 3 granddaughters(ages 6, 2 and 8 months) also went with us. Followed each other across Pennsylvania. Those grandkids are something else - someone is always doing or saying something that is cute (even if they get themselves in to trouble). And when we left we thought we had our house sold, but learned after we got home that the buyers backed out(after stringing us along for 2 months). So now it is back on the market. Will just worry and hope that this time we get a buyer who comes through. So I'll concentrate on the house and next week I'll start to worry about the results of the MRI. Thank you all again for your kind words. EileenM
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