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Argh! Hospitals

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Karen had an appt with her onc on Thursday. Which was good because she woke up feeling really cruddy. Her onc decided that Karen should be admitted seeing as how she was running a slight fever and had a horrible headache and her blood oxygen was low. They did a brain MRI - came out good, no new mets. Whew. Just pneumonia. Better than new brain mets!!

The nurses that first day were great. Came in every hour to check on her, blood pressure, O2 levels, need another blanket? the general stuff. But on Friday and Saturday and Sunday - they were unheard of. When the call button was pressed because Karen was power vomitting, it took 15 minutes for them to get there. :x When Karen pressed the call button because her IV was out, it took 10 minutes for a nurse to come and another 10 for them to hang a new bag. They are constantly forgetting to bring her meds to her. "I'll be right back with your Ativan" 45 minutes later. It isn't like they are super busy, there are only 5 other people on the floor with 3 RN's and 3 LPN's. I haven't been able to be at the hospital as much as I would like because I'm having a hard time finding anyone to care for our 2 kids. I think that if I were there to advocate for her it would be better. I sometimes get the feeling that they look at her and see stage IV disease - like she is dead already - why bother. :cry: And Karen feels like they don't care either.

Screw how I feel, Karen feels slighted. And the weekend doctor doesn't want to take responsibility. Karen was well enough to come home 2 days ago but the on call onc told her that she has to wait for her regular onc to get back into the office on Tues to release her. Well, I'm springing her tomorrow come hell or high water. Argh. Darn this hospital experience. Thanks for listening.

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I'll grrr and argh right along with you! :evil: It seems like there are alot of hospitals that just don't seem to be able to keep it together very well over the weekends. Luckily (or possibly unluckily) it's not just the cancer floor that gets that way! :roll:

Mom had an experience very similar to the one you describe (except they were giving her morphine-based pain meds when her chart and wristband clearly stated she had an allergy to morphine) and told her regular doctor after that she would NEVER go back in the hospital. She's kept her promise out of sheer willpower, I think! LOL

I'm sorry you (and Karen!!) had to go through that...it's horrible. All my best for future trips...and the hope she won't ever need one!

(And never worry about venting...we've all done it and will probably all do it again at some time!)

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Unfortunately, that scenario is played out a lot in hospitals, especially on the weekend when the regular staff isn't there. You are correct -- each patient needs an advocate who "sqeaks for the wheel to be oiled". It is a normal thing you are running into. Glad you are there for your mom. Don

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If there is a next time and you can't leave two kids, use your phone. Call the administrator at the hospital and report the problem (ESPECIALLY not getting medication on time). Report EVERY problem. Not getting any attention going that route? Start working on the Board at the hospital. NO ONE with "buy in" to a business wants to hear how bad the service is, NO ONE. Where money is involved, people will hear you.

Of course, if you can be in the room because someone is with the kids, when the call button "doesn't work", you can sweetly summon attention from the door of Karen's room down the hall, in the quiet, demure tone of a DRILL SERGEANT!

Good luck to you both,


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Unfortunately it is very common, even at the best hospitals. I have noticed a similar experience with each of my mom's hospital stays. And everyone I talk to has a similar story to share from all over.

The "worst" was when she buzzed b/c she could not breathe good and they buzzed back and since she did not say anything they did not come. And this was a sub-ICU unit. Oh boy oh boy did everyone hear from me about it the next day :evil:

I think there should be more advocates at hospitals for patients.

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So sorry you are having such a bad experience. I am a nurse and I can tell you when I have been a patient it has happened to me too!

What I can not picture is having 6 nurses and 6 patients! Wow! Believe me the patient ratio where I work is no where near that! We have a "grid" that tells the charge nurse how much staff is allowed. I was put "on call" yesterday ( not that I am complaining) and paid 1/5 my salary to sit at home in case they had enough admissions to call me in. Even when I worked in ICU years ago I never remember having a one to one ratio!

Hope Karen gets home today, there's no place like home

Donna G

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Tanner, my mom's been on Tarceva for 5 months and is doing very well on it; remains stable, though lower dose than standard (100 mg).

Tarceva does best in Asian, non-smoking females. My mom qualifies except for the Asian part. :lol:

Good luck to your wife Karen.

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Holidays are even worse than weekends. My dad was in the hospital from the end of November through early January and moved to several different floors throughout his stay. I think we nearly lost him during this time due to internal bleeding he developed while in the hospital. (They were not sure what was wrong when we brought him in, thought it might be a blood clot so they gave him shots of a very potent blood thinner when he was already taking coumadin and plavix.)

Hope you can spring her real soon!


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Thanks ya'll for the support. I didn't spring her. They are keeping her until tomorrow. I WILL have a conversation with her primary oncologist tomorrow tho. Another doctor in the practice needs to be brought up to speed so that a 2 day stay does not ever turn into a 5 day stay again. Thanks so much for all the kindness you have shown me.


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