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Dallas Bound

Don Wood

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Just wanted to let the board family know that I will be gone to Dallas Sunday through Wednesday of this coming week to be with my younger son. He is having his gall bladder removed on Monday morning. Lucie will be here in Houston in very good hands. She has had some leg swelling, but CT of pelvis/abdomin area shows clear, and her left pelvis where one of the mets had fractured the bone is heeled. Lasix has helped with the swelling. So we are doing well right now. I will check in when I get back, folks. Blesssings. Don

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Don, would normally say "have a good trip" but in your case, this is not going to be all that good. At least you will have a little time with your son and that is alway good. Hopefully he will not be feeling to bad if they are doing it by lazer.

I had that operation by lazer and the operation was such a success but the patient nearly died from that great and powerful med they put me under with. They sent me home after 23 hrs sick as can be and I was back within 8 hours having my stomach pumped out for 3 days and another 3 days to get control of pneumonia that they said I got from not breathing in real deep while being put under.

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I'm back!!! It was a great trip. It takes about 4 hours to drive from here. It was nice and sunny Sunday when I drove up to Dallas, and nice and sunny today when I drove back. My son, Randy, did fine. The gall bladder was removed Monday morning, and I took him home that afternoon. He has had little discomfort or pain. We had a good visit, too. He has redecorated his den, and Lucie wanted to know all about it, so, at the suggestion of my son, I bought a throw-away camera and took pictures. I knew I could never describe it all to her satisfaction!

Sunday night, Randy and I had dinner out and he insisted on paying! That was very nice, and touched my heart. Dad usually pays.

Tuesday I had lunch with our own Jack & Cheryl from the board here!

They are a neat, terrific couple. I was so glad to meet and be with them. And Randy felt up to going with us, so we made it a foursome. We had a great time sharing lunch and stories and getting to know each other better. Jack and Cheryl look just like their picture!

I am home now. Lucie faired very well (had a lot of people looking in on her), but she is glad to have me back and I'm glad to be back. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and support. You all are awesome! Don

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Welcome Back, Don! It is great to have you back on the boards. I am glad to hear all went well with your son's gall bladder surgery. And sounds like a nice visit. How fun to meet Jack and Cheryl! I am happy to hear that Lucie is doing well too. Blessings to all of you and you continue to be in my prayers.

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