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Getting to Know You - May 11


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Wow, Ann, you asked this on a very interesting day. I had 'one of those nights' and didn't go to sleep AT ALL.......ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I was supposed to go to breakfast with friends this AM, but just laid there and couldn't make myself get up. Still I didn't sleep. So I actually got out of bed at 7:45..................but hadn't slept since Wednesday night. SH*T! I even came here looking for someone to chat with......everyone was asleep :? .

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I was up at 6:30 as usual for a weekday morning. I'm about to the popint where I wake up at the same time everyday...even on weekends when I would love to sleep. If I don't wake up on my own, Tanner Dog, my Golden Retriever, jumps on the bed, licks my face and reminds me that he's ready to begin his day!!!

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