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Q & A on lung cancer - Nov. 5th, hosted by plwc.org


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Hi all; just got a note from the People Living with Cancer Site.

Dr MarK Kris, head of thoracic Oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center will be hosting a 1 hour question and answer chat on lung cancer from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST on Nov. 5th. I've heard him before and he is excellent. You can go to the site and pre-ask questions if you like.


God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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The University of Wisconsin, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Lung Cancer Support Group, will be hosting a table for Lung Cancer Awareness at the UW Cancer Center on November 18 and 19. The table will be staffed by member of support group, meaning lung cancer survivors and patients will be manning this table.

This would be a good opportunity for others, throughout the country, to get together and do the same at the various cancer centers. ALCASE is providing lititature for the UW project.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Bob, I seen this post here while back and almost forgot about it. I was looking through here and was pleased that i ran across it again. I checked out the link you posted here and i like the site. Hopefully others who are interested in this will remember this is tonight. I for one am looking forward to it. I will be there if only to listen and learn. Again, thanks and maybe you could repost this again or post in the general section to refresh anyones memory that may have forgoten like me.



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I posted a question in advance of the program, and was notified that the question would be put to Dr. Kris. I signed on for the entire hour, but my question never came up....at least not that I saw. I was told that I would receive a copy of the transcript via email tomorrow, so I guess I'll see then if the question was addressed when I blinked. :) My question had to do with non smokers/never smokers/ former light smokers and the development of lung cancer....

Fay A.

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Hey Fay, Becky,

I also asked a question :?:?:? ; I asked him to discuss tumor markers and their role in diagnoses of recurrent disease as well as the effectiveness of chemo agents.;

I got called to a meeting at work and missed the telecast, :x:x:x:x ; not happy but glad I can view the transcripts.

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stgeIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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The only mention he made of Tumor Markers that I saw was in reference to CEA, which he said was NOT useful in making a prognosis in recurrent disease. I was very disappointed in the program, save for one thing. He did speak to the issue of the stigma associated with a diagnosis of lung cancer. We now have a world class lung cancer expert to quote when it comes to "correcting" peoples erroneous perceptions about developing lung cancer.

I saved the email I received from them about using my question...Wish I could remember how to cut and paste it to this site. My mind is such a mess these days...no short term memory at all.

Fay A.

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Yes Fay,

I agree, a thought it was a bit light, I posed the question to him on tumor markers a bit differently; but was disappointed in the response, If not accepted then why are so many using it and why all the articles" ?????

However, like you I did like his responses related to smoking & lung cancer

heres the script.

http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 56,00.html

God bless and stay well,

Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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