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My Testimony at a Men's Conference

Joe B

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Thanks everyone....Its kinda weird to see yourself on video and know it's on the world wide web. The amazing thing for me is that standing in front of 1,000 men telling my story without any preparation--- I wasn't nervous at all. One of the things cancer has done for me; is that in facing the prospect of death in a real sense

several times and then thinking about my mortality on a daily basis.....I do not fear public speaking at all; It seems so trivial....... Do you know what I mean? :)

Joe B

P.S. For anyone who hasn't seen it the link is provided below....


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I am so looking forward to hearing this. I can't get much of anything downloaded on my computer right now. I am going to get another internet provider soon. I still have dial up on my computer and can hardly get anything. I will get back to you after I hear it.


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