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A good excuse to donate to LUNGevity


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Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we've had a great response to our suggestion for our friends and family to donate to LUNGevity in Bill's honor. I don't have an exact count, but I think we're nearing $1500 and our immediate family (including myself) haven't done their contributions yet. What we actually asked is that people donate to either their favorite charity or LUNGevity. Almost everyone is choosing LUNGevity, which I think is great. The company Bill did work for donated as an organization, but a bunch of his co-workers have donated individually as well (mine too).

Perhaps if anyone has been thinking of donating recently and hasn't done it yet, maybe now is a good time. If Bill touched you at all, perhaps you might donate in his honor. Or as a tribute to your own loved one or anyone else here on the board.

I hope this wasn't inappropriate, but I had this nagging feeling I should put it out there.

With love and hope,

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Teri, thank you for this post and thank you for taking the time to donate to LUNGevity to help find a cure when you yourself are grieving. You are a sweet kind person and Bill is smiling down.

I recently donated in honor of my newborns. I think it is important to give back in honor of everyone here. If everyone who is able to donates a little here or there, hopefully we can find a CURE.

Take care of youreslf.

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My parents requested donations to Lungevity and Shriners Hospital for Gifts ast their 50th wedding anniversary also. Memorial to Deb of course.

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