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Max L

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Good morning all. My wife, Inez and I want to say thankyou to all of you in this wonderful support group. Finally got the results of my PET Scan and they are:

History: Pulmonary nodule.

Radiopharmaceutical: 14.8 millicuries 18 fluorine FDG.

Findings: Following the administration of the radiopharmaceutical whole-body CT

Pet scanning is performed and demonstrates an approximately 1 centimeter nodule

in the left midlung. The nodule exhibits increased FDG accumulation with an SUV

value of approximately 3.9. A neoplasm is not excluded. The lungs otherwise

clear. No other foci of abnormal FDG accumulation evident. Advanced coronary

artery atherosclerotic disease noted. The prostate gland is enlarged. CT Pet

examination otherwise unremarkable.


1. Approximately 1 centimeter left midlung pulmonary nodule that exhibits

increased FDG accumulation. A lung neoplasm is not excluded.

2. Whole-body CT Pet scan otherwise negative.

***** Final Report *****

Transcribed Date: 10/03/2007 Interpreted By: FREDENBERG MD, PATRICK

Signature Date: 10/03/2007 :PF Electronically Signed

Have an appointment with a Pulmonologist 10/16. My family doctor felt after reading report that on a scale of 1 to 10, that I probably fall between 3 and 4, with 10 being the worst. Guess we will wait and see what happens next. Could not have through any of this without your kind words of support. Thanks again, keep fighting, stay positive and please never give up.

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Hey Max!!!!

Just to let you know.......there are many here with nodules and they are just watching and waiting. My own dear hubby has 3 of them in 3 different lobes. There has been no change in over 2 years now. I'm not sure about a 1cm nocule ~ maybe that might be just large enough to get rid of!!!!! I'll be anxious to hear what the pumonologist has to say.


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Hi Kasey (Love your spelling) My daugter's middle name is Caryn (not Karen). Probably confuses everyone. Anyway Inez and I are also anxious, but will continue to stay positive. Went to baseball playoff game last night between Arizona Diamondbacks and the Chicago Cubs and were positive the DBacks would win and they did, so see, being positive pays off. Hope your hubby's nodes stay the same and nothing more occurs. Take care and thankyou for your reply.

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Sounds like an excellent report to me. Wait and see is what we all seem to do the best. Glad to hear you are doing well. My brother lives in Phoenix and last week told me the weather was starting to cool off to......95 degrees! Still a little bit to hot for this Colorado girl but in November the weather your way is beautiful. Enjoy.

Take Care,


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Hi Rachel. Inez and I are sure hoping the best for you. You are correct as we always seem to be waiting for one thing or another. Will see a pulmonologist 10/16 and go from there. At my age it seems that if it is not one thing it is another, but am so far very fortunate to have such a loving wife, family, friends and support group. Thankyou for caring and please stay positive, keep fighting and never give up. You have two beautiful children.

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One good thing about your PET scan report is that there's no indication of SUV uptake anywhere except in the one lung nodule. And 3.9 doesn't sound especially high, so I think you have good cause to NOT worry.

Tell you what. I had a PET scan this week too, but don't have the results yet. I'll trade you, sight unseen! ...But since you're 4 years smarter than I am, you may not be gullible enough to take me up on that. Are you??



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Hi Ned. I wish you good results on your PET Scan. I really do feel okay about mine. Not too thrilled about the advanced heart disease, but have know about that and am working on it along with the prostate cancer. Am not too certain what SUV uptake means but someone else said that it is not too bad. What I am really grateful about through all this is all of you at this wonderful support site. You are all so very caring and understanding. Too bad we had to have met like this, but at the same time, it is fantastic to have such support. The same goes for my Prostate support group. Will take it a day at time and see what happens. Feel well, best of luck again with your PET scan.

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Here's an article that I saw just this morning that discusses SUV uptake values in PET scans:

http://onctalk.com/2007/10/04/imaging-f ... sclc-risk/

It applies to patients diagnosed with Stage I adenocarcinoma (the most common sub-type of NSCLC) and the probability of recurrence if the tumor is surgically removed, and of course those things aren't known for you yet, but at least it shows where 3.9 falls on the scale for that situation.

Thanks for the good thoughts on my own PET scan. I'll post a profile update when I get the results, which may not be before my onc appointment next Tuesday.



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Thankyou for the information NED. The more you are informed the better off you are in my opinion. Doctor can still give you snow job, but maybe with a little knowledge I can understand when that is happening. I also was in Air Force, but not a pilot. Worked in office. Also spent 23 years in sales working for TWA. Loved those passes, but not so good now that I am retired and have to depend on American Airlines. Inez and I board now after cat, dogs and children, so lately, we have been going like a normal passenger, using credit card mileage. We were on a cruise to Hawaii last year and loved it.

Still hoping and thinking good thoughts about your health. Take care, think positive and keep fighting. Oh, yes which Airline did you work for?

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Hi Max!

I haven't visited the site for awhile, so I hadn't seen your post. Curious...did they test for Valley Fever yet? VF nodules can also exhibit uptake on PET. At any rate, I hope you will get some definitive answers on the 16th. I don't know if your insurance will cover it, but Mayo in Scotsdale is an EXCELLENT facility. Dr. Viggiano is a superb pulmonologist, and they have a reputation for getting things done quickly and efficiently. I started there, but my insurance would not cover them, as they were out of network :roll: I am due for my next scan this month, and I am planning to have it done there, as I am tired of all the "tail-chasing" these other docs seem to be doing...

U of A (Tucson) also has an excellent Valley Fever program (as does Mayo) If it should be discovered to be VF, there is a Dr. Gagliano (?sp) who heads a nationwide research program based there.

The waiting is truly awful, but with this wonderful "autumn" :wink: weather we are having, it's hard to be too down, huh? Seriously, hang in there! We "Zonies" are a tough breed, ya know? You will kick booty whatEVER it may be!! I will be hoping and praying for the VERY BEST outcome!!!

Your fellow "Zonie" - in HOPE!!!


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Hi Stacey

Thankyou for your reply. Yes, we have discussed Valley Fever, but no has tested me for it, but I will talk about it to the pulmonologist. Have heard about Dr Viggiano at Mayo and may also go to him. I have medicare and a good supplement (not an HMO). For prostate cancer I go to Dr Lam (Medical Oncologist) in Marina Del Rey California, because his office only specializes in prostate cancer. Inez and I beleive in finding the very best regardless of where we have to go. Do not want to be a guinea pig. If it is FV, I will certainly check into the doctor you receommended. Again thankyou and thanks to this wonderful site for all the love and support Inez and I have been given. You keep well, keep positive, keep fighting and never give up.

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