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Needle Biopsy question?

Guest hearrean

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Guest hearrean

I posted about a week ago under "Introductions" & I've since had (3) tests at MD Anderson. PFT, PET & MRI/Brain Scan. My doctor has also scheduled a CT guided needle biopsy. From what I read on the internet, it doesn't seem to be too risky, but I was just wondering if it's painful & also is there anything I need to be aware of. I know the MD Anderson staff will advise me, but I just wanted to hear from others who have had it. I haven't had an official diagnosis yet, but this should be the last test I'll need for the Doc to determine. FYI: The (2) suspicious areas/masses are located in the right upper lobe closely associated with the suprahilar region.



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Hi Ken,

This is the one that worked for me after they did two other different biopsies before it. Yes there is discomfort. Depends on your pain level. It wasn't anything to horrible for me, (not fun by know means) but it was discomfortable.

LAY STILL is what you need to do, and breathe in, out when they tell you. They went through my chest, but I know some have theres through there back. Depends where the tumor is. The people that had it in the back have told me it's not big deal.

After your done, you will have to stay still for a couple of hours (If I remember right). Yes you may very well cough up blood. DON'T PANIC, this is NORMAL! The risks would be (a puncture lung). Yes, that has happened to people. I don't believe it happens very often, but that is the main risk factor.

Hang in there, this too shall pass and you'll be on your way upward and onward in no time.

Best Wishes,


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Hi Ken,

I had a needle biopsy on my left upper lung and my spine (t12). The lung biopsy was done through my back and wasn't very painful at all. The procedure was done with a ct scan guiding the way. The time involved was mostly spenting lining me up and finding the perfect area to biospy first. The needle part was very quick.

I believe I had to lay flat for about 2 hours after the procedure.

I hope you have an easy time with your biopsy and that they will finally be able to give you further information.

Good luck to you,


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I also had a needle biopsy w/CT scan done. It was not painful but uncomfortable. I think I was given a local anesthetic. The dr. told me my lung could collapse, it didn't happen often but it could - but it didn't. After it was done they pulled me out of the CT scan and I needed to be still for awhile and then they moved me to a regular hospital room and again I needed to not move for a few hours. Then they took an xray (portable) and finally gave me lunch and told me I could use the toilet. They kept me in the hospital for a few hours longer and then let me go home.

They didn't want me to drive so their van picked me up at home and brought me back home. I was advised not to pick up anything heavy for 4 or 5 days and to take it easy.

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