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MONA'VIE drink good or bad?


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I have heard of a drink called MONA'VIE that has 19 body-beneficial fruits that has help with everthing from arthritis to cancer. I haven't used it yet, its a little exspensive. I'd like to hear from anyone that has.It states it provides antioxidants that are able to penetrate cells. Just looking for something to help me feel alittle better.

Thanks Dannnie

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Dannie -

A friend of mine gave me all kinds of info on it - seems like her teenage daughter has adolescent rheumatoid arthritis and began to drink this AT THE SAME she was receiving regular medication. She is doing absolutely wonderful now and of course, her parents believe a lot of it had to do with the Monavie.

I did, at the time, go over to onctalk.com and post a thread about it since I do believe there is a lot of "snake oil" out there. Dr. West had nothing great to say about the drink. You can go to that site and look it up in the archives. If you do decide to order it, please check first with your doctor to make sure that there is nothing in it that will have a negative effect with your chemo, i.e. some chemo you can't eat grapefruit or grapefruit juice, etc.

Good luck!!!

Patti B.

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We have a bottle of it at home. The scary thing for me is

in very small print the bottle states it contains

shell fish. I am very very allergic to all shell fish.

I shudder to think what would have happened if I didn't read the lable very

carefully (thinking of what would interact with Alan's medication)

and taken a drink of this stuff made with shell fish myself :x

I take all these "miracle" potions with a grain of salt.

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  • 2 years later...

Monavie is a waste of money. It is watered down Acai. The Acai Berry is a good, healthy berry, but Monavie waters theirs down horribly. Best to get an extract from a more reputable company rather than a multi-level company that needs to recruit and sell to maintain itself ...

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