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The state she is in now....is there a chance she'll

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....eventually come out of it?

Honestly, I feel like my sister is already gone in a way. It's only been a month or so since her diagnosis but in the past couple of weeks she has gotten so weak. The past week she has been mostly "out of it", sleeping on and off and not talking much. She is having trouble walking and is uncomfortable for most of the time she's awake.

I want to believe that it's the effects of the meds, and once she is strong enough to fight (after the fluid is removed from her lung) she will come around again. But, friends, I'm just not too sure. I love her so much and I want to believe. Please tell me she has a chance.

Yes, I'm severely depressed right now. I can't lose her.

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Hi Gracie

My heart just breaks for you. I know how you feel and there is no worse feeling than that of being helpless. I certainly think your sister has a chance. She is probably feeling the effects of the chemo and that does take a lot of energy. She should be on something to help her with the nausea..but a lot of those types of meds will make her sleepy. Be sure she is not de-hydrated. I would call the Dr. and tell him how she is feeling and see if there is anything else she can do.

I will be praying for you both over the weekend. Take care.



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I have read over this post several times. I know how you are feeling and I wish I could answer you. I hope there are medical people, whom you can trust, to answer some of your questions. Every cancer case is so different and it's hard for anyone to really answer your question. I can just tell you that I have been at this site and reading for nearly 4 years and I've seen many people in the condition your sister, sounds like she is in, turn around and pull out of it. I just want you to know that I will be keeping her, you and your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated.



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has she semmed more out of it since she started the patch? Like i posted before, my Dad got so unbelieveably confused and out of it (like night and day) when he was on it that we took him off. and I have also seen him very confused/out of it when he was dehydrated. it could be a combo of both. Definitely call the Md if you think that there is even a possibility of her being dehydrated. It can never hurt to get a little extra fluid!


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My heart goes out to you, your sister and your family..... When I was going through this and was extremely concerned about my sister and no longer able to discuss the situation with her (b/c of her confusion and just not being herself) - I would call the doctor directly and speak to him without my sister knowing. It would clarify things for me, and good or bad, I would have a better understanding of what was going on. I don't know if that would work for you guys but it helped me.. and the rest of the family because i would pass on what was said and then we could deal with it. Right or wrong, I would not tell my sister what was discussed - I didn't see any reason to upset her - and she could ask the doctor as easily as I could but she didn't so we felt she didn't really want to know details anymore... she wasn't asking and didn't seem to care about seeing her scans or anything. Prayers going out for you guys...

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My grandfather got really confused when he was dehydrated and we added hydration therapy 2x a week for a month because he was so confused. He didn't know where the bathroom was in our house and he got lost. He also sleep so much when he was on chemo and radiation. Prayers are with you all. It is so hard but I would ask about getting hydration and asked if home health can come do it so that she can be at home and rest.

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Gracie, sorry you and your sister are going through this. The chemo nurses told my husband not to take the meds (Other than the three days of EMEND) unless he felt the need for them so I don't think that causing it for your sister. I hope she starts regaining her strength, the answers above are accurate and I would try to see if dehydration is a problem.


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I am so sorry that your sister is having such a hard time. My only advice is to make sure that her doctor knows exactly what is going on, how she is feeling and acting. Don't count on her to tell him, you or her husband should. My prayers are with you both - i will be watching to see how the appointment goes tomorrow.



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