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Catscan and blood work


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Well, since I got canned last week I moved all of my appointments up a month. So, I have my catscan and my bloodwork getting done tomorrow instead of 10/15/08. Wanted to make sure that the place that let me go would foot the bill for most of it. Luckily I am still insured under my husbands insurance, so I will be okay that way. Cobra is a joke. How can anyone on unemployment afford the payments which are based on your former salary, not what you are going to be getting on unemployment? So my tests are tomorrow and I will get the results the folowing Monday. My only concern is that I have an interview on Tuesday the day after the scan. I am concerned that my mind will not be on the interview, any ideas or suggestions. I am going to the gym today to swim and soak in the hot tub to relax. You know if it wasn't for that and my knitting I would be in the loony bin doing finger painting and basket weaving ( no insult intended to any finger painters or basket weavers).

Thanks as always for the shoulders and ears. It means so much to me.


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I hear you as far as COBRA goes. My husband ALMOST lost his insurance a couple of months ago and it would have been 902.00 per month - ridiculous!!!

Wishing you lots of luck on your scans - as far as the interview goes, just keep thinking of how good you are going to feel when you hear that you ROCKED those scans!!!

Please let us know as soon as you get the results!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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Hi Sarah. So sorry to read about what you are going through and the insurance woes in the US. You have shown your strength in spirit here and I am sure you will do fine at your interview. Prayers for great results on your CT scan as well. Take care, the waiting is hard and we all know that.


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