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Cancer wrapped around lung


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I have been here before, my sister has lung cancer and taking chemo, 10/24 will be her last one, as she is getting a CAT scan to see what the chemo has done to the cancer.

Has anyone from this site, have cancer wrapped around the lung]? She has NSLC.I need to know how well she will do as she can't have it taken out or it will spread. I would appreicate if someone would give me information on this.

Love, Teardrop

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Sorry I cannot answer that specific question but wanted to say that this website is really great and I am glad you found us.

I am sure others will come along soon that can answer your question. Please keep us updated on your sisters progress.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Hi teardrop. Maybe what is being referred to as "wrapped around the lung" is a pleural effusion. Many of us here have those including myself. I am not a technical expert but it is where the cancer is around the lung in the pleural lining. Many have fluid then build up in that area that needs to be drained. Please keep us posted on how you and your sister are doing.


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Dear SandraL,

Thank you so much for the reply back. I looked up Pleural Effusion and my sister may have this. She had pneumonia, then nsc lung cancer and spots in her brain that died due to the chemo. She also has a collaspe lung and cancer in her lymph nodes. She was told by the doctor that she has rheumatoid arthritis, he thought was cancer in the bones at first. She will get a CT scan in two weeks to find out the outcome of the chemo she was getting. As she took her last dose of chemo, and I'm praying the cancer doesn't grow and die or go to sleep. She has a cough is it from the chemo or pleural effusion?

Thank you so much for all your help in explaining this to me. I'm far away from her, and I call her everyday. I love her so much.

God Bless and Take Care.

Love, Teardrop

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Hello again. Yes, if there is liquid building up around the lung it will definitely cause a cough. The cough could be due to the location of cancer in her lungs or throat though as well. I have never heard of anyone getting a cough from chemo. She should make sure to explain the cough to her doc, perhaps her fluid needs to be drained. The draining is a relatively straightforward procedure compared to others. I am sorry you are so worried about your sis and it is harder when you are not there and there is little you can really do. Just keep phoning her and encouraging her to follow up on everything and of course let her know that you are there for her. That will bring a smile to her heart.


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SandraL, Thank you for the reply back it is greatly appreciated. Does anyone else on this site have what my sister has pleural effusion,she has diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and collaspe right lung. I would appreciate any more information on the outcome of this disease, she is 66 years old. The cough she has goes away after the 3rd week of her chemo, does that mean a good outcome. It's cold where she lives and it snowed, could that make her cough more. DOES it mean the Chemo doesn't help if she still has a cough?

Love Teardrop and God Bless All , Thank you again SandraL

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Pleural Effusions are onset usually byu the treatment of the cancer. So I have been told! They are treated by putting a tube into the lining and draining the fluid. It helps the patient IMMENSELY in relieveng pain and shortness of breath. Simple procedureand few days in ICU is usual recovery time.

The cough. this is another subject. It is usually good because it means you are tryting to cough up Mucous and such resulting from the disease. Been so long I cant remember all the details but it was as I recall a good thing to have the cough!

If you need some more Professional info I am gonna recommend our other site. Dr west who runs this site is our on site oncologist out of Swedish Institute in Seattle Washington. MAny of our embers here are also there so you dont have to remember or relearn a lot of new names. His respponses are relatively fast and easy to remember and understand.. Click on link to be redirected to his site...


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Teardrop, Sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but you won't be sorry you reached out here. I second Randy's motion--Dr West and the colleagues he's gathered there are the best. I don't know where they find time to do what they do, but they have helped me and so many others through difficult times.

Your sister is so lucky to have you. I am sure she will appreciate any info you find on her behalf.

Judy in Key West

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Judy, thank you for a reply . I read the information about you, and just to know its treatable is wonderful to hear. I HOPE I have enough information to give Dr.West, from what I wrote, do you think I do? Thanks again for your reply, God Bless and Take Care.

Love, Teardrop

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I am still puzzled by the terms the medical people used: wrapped around the lung. Are they referring to a pleural effusion. Several here think so but no one has heard that term. Be sure to ask Dr W directly--has he ever heard it, if so what does it mean?

You said your sister has NSCL, do you know what kind? For example, mine was adenocarcinoma. Also, it might be helpful to provide info identifying what chemos were in her treatment and how many did she have.

I think if you are armed with this info, Dr West or one of his colleagues will do the best they can to answer your questions.

Good luck, Judy in Key West

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