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Oncologist Visit


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I got back from the beach over the week-end. I had a wonderful time while there. I really did not know what to expect sience this was my first time. We are already making plans to return again.

I went to see my oncologist today. The nurse told me that she was wondering how I was sience she had not saw me in over 1 year. We touched on lung cancer briefly.

He looked at my records from my hospital stay. He told me from what he could see, I had Chronic Leukemia in my blood. He took blood to test to see to what stage I might have and what treatment I might need. The good part of all this is that I may not need any treatments. If so, it will be chemo. He also told me this was part of the price of survivorship. Anyone else heard this?

I have met a lot of good friends here and I thank each of you for being here when I needed you. I will continue to check in from time to time to see how everyone is. I won't be leaving you but Lung Cancer and Lukemia are 2 different disease and the treatments are totaly different.

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I'm sorry to read this. I think you've done your part and other cancers need to leave you alone!!!!!!!

But since it appears that hasn't happened I hope you will stay around and let us support you in this battle as well. We may not have all of the answerd to questions for leukemia treatments, but we can love on you and we can pray.

Let us know what you find out regarding treatment.


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