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Just need some prayers


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My sister, as many of you know was diagnosed also in 2005 with lung cancer but could only have a wedge resection due to her breathing. We think she was 3A but cannot be sure because all of the lymph nodes could not be got to. She has had this nodule in her lung for three years, it never got bigger. However, she had a recent biopsy at the request of her oncologist and it was positive for cancer. She will have cyberknife on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd.

It seems like her first was squamous cell--she went through chemo, radiation, the whole nine yards

this is adenocarcinoma

I know Joel had cyberknife and had wonderful results!!!

Thank you

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I have always related to the pain you have gone through

damn---- life should not have to be so tough!!

there is nothing worse than losing your mama

and losing your father in a way --so very painful


enjoy your babies! They are so cute!

You have had such a rough time--but you have endured!!!!

My heart goes out to you

hugs from far away!!!

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But my sister had to have some gold things injected in her before she gets cyberknife(I am not sure of the details)

she said make sure we get them out and sell them when she dies

I said wait a sec, u are being cremated--she said but gold should seep through the ashes!!!

I love my sister so very much--Nothing can happen to her!

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They are called fiducials. When Kelly had hers implanted, we had loads of fun making jokes. I sometimes wonder what the doctors think of us. :) We joked about her setting off the metal detector at the airport. I told her that her value just went up a wee bit. Plus, we jokingly kept calling them filigrees, because it made us laugh.

Kelly did great through cyberknife and I firmly believe it is why she continues to do so outstanding. Wishing equally wonderful results for your sister!

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Are they for? and at my sisters suggestion --are they worth any money (lol)

seriously my sister is the last relative I have left on this earth--she is 65, I am 62. I would crawl up and die without her

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Well I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers, but I too can not imagine life without any of them. I do understand.

They help in limiting the radiation to just the tumor. They are placed in the body to mark where the tumor is, thus helping them target the tumor. They will be noticeable on CT or X-ray, it is one of the features of using something like gold.

Sadly, they are there to stay. :) Our sisters are just a little more valuable now, but we can't sell them on the open market, or take them to a pawn shop.

(you and your sister would fit very well with my family, we're all about finding the humor)

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Your sister will be in my prayers . My mom is, hopefully, about to go through cyberknife as well. She has just completed a lot of scans and had a biopsy of lymph nodes yesterday, with a preliminary result of benign. She still has the fiducials to be implanted etc. She has had two wedge sections and isn't a good candidate for surgery either. Wishing the best for your sister. Keep us updated.



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