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Friday's Air


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I think our Judy must have had too much wine yesterday, while sitting on the turnpike waiting for a flat tire to be changed. So, I thought I'd open up the windows and let Friday's Air blow in!!!

Yes...FRIDAY...my very favorite day of the week!!! I hope everyone is having a great day and I really think Kasey and Fred should open up the bar and let's have a FINALLY FRIDAY party. So, if you're reading this, Kasey or Fred, set me up with a Captain Morgan and Diet Coke and I'll be a happy camper.

The weather is beautiful here today and our day began with temps in the mid 60's. Last night I had my windows open and the A/C off. I know the electric company hates seeing this time of year arrive....too cool for the A/C and not cold enough for the heat. But, I can't sympathize with them for even a second, as their rates are outrageous and I hate paying that bill every month!!!

So...let's all knock at Fred and Kasey's door and see if the bar is OPEN.


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Okay Ann..............the Pub is officially open for all!!!!! Not sure all the folks here know about it or not. Last couple of times we opened not too many showed up. I think we need to MAKE SOME NOISE at the Pub for Lung Cancer Awareness Month. So come on everyone ~ let's just 'be' together for this very special occasion. We don't need to celebrate or grieve or support or anything ~ just 'be' and MAKE NOISE about lung cancer. Oh ~ and celebrate just a little because Ann loves Fridays.

Fred and I have our aprons on and Teddy is greeter at the door! Here we go!

The Management

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Let me pull up a chair and join all of you at the bar also! I'll have a Miller Lite please....make it a pitcher! LOL

Yes, it does appear that Judy might have had too much wine last night huh ? Hopefully she'll be around soon. Perhaps after a few aspirin!

It's windy here today. Even a bit on the cool side, but it's early so maybe it will warm up some.

My wonderful son cooked dinner for me last night. Isn't that sweet? He's always been a pretty good cook although cleaning up afterward is always my job. I don't usually mind unless it's grease!!!!! I hate that!

Well, I'm off to FB now so I can try to catch up with Ann's rating. Catching up with Randy though will take years. I don't know how the guy does it!

Have a good day everyone!

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I'm there! A Tangeray and tonic please - make it a double! And can I bring along my Golden, Sean?

It is a beautiful day here, cool and crisp with a blue sky. I went to spend the afternoon at my old preschool which always perks me up! I am putting off calling the doc because I have a back ache - which is worriesome - I feel like such a hypochondriac calling about a back ache - but then again - a back ache is what got me into this mess!

Glad to have you as my facebook friend Michelle!

Happy Friday everyone


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