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Thursday's Air


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Morning All! It's a "put the sweater on, take the sweater off" kind of morning in my house. It says 63 degrees outside with an expected high of 66. Stan has the heater on now so the sweater is off lol.

Worked in the computer yesterday because today will be goof off again. I love my life right now. I had to reschedule my finger prick to have more time with our NJ friends on Tues. Then I'll have lunch with my friend Loreen and then get my haircut. Had to set an alarm to get up early with this DLST so I could make a morning appointment at the Cancer Center. I've said many times, I am not a morning person but--off I go.

Have a great day everyone.


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Good morning everyone!

Judy, I know what you mean about not being a morning person. I am having such a hard time with the time change. It just doesn't seem right to be getting out of bed when it's still so dark outside. Usually, I love seeing this time change come and hate the one in the fall. I guess I'm just getting old and "set in my ways" as my grandfather used to say. I remember how I used to not be able to understand the older folks sasying they couldn't sleep unless they were in their own beds. I thought that was crazy and was always sure I could fall asleep just about anywhere. Well, a few months ago we spent the night at my sons house while they were away and I thought I'd never go to sleep. So, I guess I'm falling into that age bracket...lol!!!

It's a beautiful morning here. It's a bit chilly and the highs are supposed to be around 70.

We shared corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots with DS and DIL last night. It's so nice to spend time with the kids when it's just an ordinary day and not a big meal occasion. I had the kitchen cleaned in no time with plenty of time left to visit.

Mom fared well during her CT scan yesterday. Now, we just wait and pray. I could definitely use your help with this!!

Also, let's remember our dear friend, Lillian in prayer. She's in so much pain with her foot right now and is having a really rough time!


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Good morning, everyone!

It was 36 degrees here when I got up this morning, with a high of 67 degrees forecast for this afternoon. I drove to work because I need to do pick up my boat from the shop right after work. I've had the boat almost 7 years, and this is its first trip to the shop, so I can't complain too much about that.

I'm glad to read that you're enjoying yourself right now, Judy. You deserve it. Ann, let's hope your mother's issues aren't as serious as they seem. I did not know (or did not remember) about Lillian's foot pain. I hope it's much better soon.

Have a great day, all!

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Nother beautiful morning here, sposed to snow tonight. Cool. I got out of the house yesterday for several hours and don't feel like the bottom of a birdcage looks this morning so that's a big plus. Going out again today tho and that may do me in for a week or two, hopefully not. Finally had a bit of a turn for the better but the cabin fever was gonna kill me if the lung disease didn't so might as well at least be a little happier. Hope things go well for your Mom Ann, nice you are happy Judy, that's a good feeling to have about your boat Bud, I feel that way about my old guitar, I could of sent it to the shop years ago, just never could part with it so in 30 years it's never been in the shop and I'm still pickin it, not quite as much since I have my new one but I still love the oldy goody.

Have a great day all, I'm gonna try but not overdo it too much.


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Would you believe we made it to 62 degrees today, here in Minnesota. It won't last for ever though. Tonight a cold front is moving in from the Dakotas, they say won't go above 40 tomorrow.

Donna G

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High 60's here today, and tomorrow and Sunday, hip hip hooray. It is just a mean joke because we are back to the 40's next week, but I consider it a gift and will say thank you.

Today was a 't' day. Had my teeth cleaned and then had my taxes done. Two of my most favorite things, lol.

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Morning All! Capital letters again for our working friends. Glad I don't have to go out early this morning. It's 60 degrees out and I'm really chilly because I never put the heater on in the bedroom last night. I'm with you guys Ginny and Donna, I'll just try to appreciate the nice days we do have. It was fairly warm in town yesterday afternoon, sunny and pleasantly cool.

Ann, I'm so sorry about the medical issues for your Mom. We'll be waiting for her scan results so be sure to keep us posted.

Bud thanks. I would say that's a great record for your boat. Those temps are pretty extreme in a single day for me. Is that typical for this time of year?

Cool. I got out of the house yesterday for several hours and don't feel like the bottom of a birdcage looks this morning so that's a big plus
That's the Donny I remember and missed. And talk about extremes of weather--gorgeous 50 to snow!

Good seeing so many coming on for Air. Have a great day everyone.


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