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Thursday's Air


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Morning All! Sun shining, only 79 degrees, really very pleasant temps yesterday. Hope for more of that today and I have to go to town.

Judy,I was reading a article on yahoo yesterday about the 10 most dangerous highways in America. One of them was a long two lane bridge near Key West. Something about the way the sun reflects off the water and blinds the drivers.

I can credit Mike with this recent tidbit about Key West. I'm going to google this and find out exactly which bridge it is so I can be super careful.

Up late this morning. Haven't gotten off my chair yet. Eye condition a little early and really bad with the burning and light sensitivity. Wonder if it has anything to do with my last chemo being off schedule. Whatever. Just hope it doesn't last til next week when I get my next one.

Have a good day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 73 degrees as I drove to work this morning. It's supposed to get up to 92 with light winds.

I'm glad the doctors confirmed what you already knew, Ned. Congrats! Hope your eye is better soon, Judy.

Nothing much going on here, just another day in the sweat shop. Have a great day, all!

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Morning all! Going to the rheumatologist today. Yet another doctor, trying to remain positive that they will figure out the mystery going on in my body.

Yesterday I was out and about, sun shining, and all of a sudden the sky got black and this amazing violent thunderstorm erupted! We get these pop up storms when the humidity builds and the big lake Michigan sets up the conditions just right. Amazing. I called my husband, who was only 5 miles east of me, and he said the sun was shining, it was totally dry out.

So I don't know if there are any American Idol fans here. The conclusion of the show was yesterday. Both finalists were fantastic. I really wanted Chrystal to win, but it really doesn't matter. Both of them have careers sealed now. Good stuff.

K, going to grab some grub and head out.

Take care,

Judy in MI

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Good morning everyone. It's so hot and humid here today, so on days like this, I'm thankful for an inside office job. I only long to be outdoors on spring like days, which are few and far between here in Florida.

Nothing much in the way of news happening here. Work has been very busy and I am so glad that we just hired two new office people to answer phones and schedule appointments. Now, I can finally concentrate on accounting!!!

Although it's not Friday yet, today is still a good day for me! I am so very happy that Lee won last night!!! He's been my pick since the first night of competition.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy day!

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It's nice here now but we are expecting storms later.

Hey Judy - wonder if he is talking about the 7 mile bridge up by marathon - ?

I watched Idol too - and I was happy and surprised that Lee won - they were both great. I absolutely screamed when Bret Michaels came out with Casey - (even though I'm a country girl I like a couple of his songs on Guitar Hero).

This has been a good and bad week for me. My mom has been in the hospital for over 3 weeks - now they are going to release her Saturday which of course is good and bad because I certainly can't help her get up - but there is simply no talking to the Case Manager or Doctor - so I'm over it. Figure when she can't get up we'll call an ambulance. They are supposed to send some home health aides to check on her I guess for wound care.

Speaking of wound care - I was caring for my mom's cat Wednesday night and the gorgeous green eyed thing bit the tar out of me. Went to the doctor how sent me to an orthopedic therapist - got a wonderful whirlpool out of it because they want to keep the wound open until they make sure the antibiotics work - get to go get another whirlpool tomorrow. Worst part was the tetnus shot - arm still not happy. And all of this comes a week before the dreaded checkup - which is only an x-ray. So my stress level is through the roof.

Sorry for the ramble - but that is my air - hope it made somebody's day lighter -

I want it to be Friday Ann - but could we have two Friday's and skip Saturday this week.....


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It is highway 1 outside Key West Judy. They said the shallow blue water causes the sun glare. Also during hurricane season it says it is the only highway out and gets very conjested.My grandson is outside mowing.Hes been trying to find a few yards to mow to make some money this summer. I wish I had some of his energy.

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