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Re-Introduction and a Hello to those who know!

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Hi! My name is Missy and in May of 2007 I lost my mother to non-small cell adenocarcinoma after a 2 year battle that "they" said would last all of three months.

It has taken a toll on me, losing her. She was my rock, my support, my control and comfort... And not just for me, but for our entire family.

Life is not the same now. I hurt, still, for the "family" I lost when I lost Mom. I do not talk to siblings the way I did; nor, sadly, do I talk to my step-dad...the only "parent" I have left...the way I used to. It's all about finding our own "new normal" now.

I feel strong enough, finally, to come back and share our journey, what we learned, learn new things, and hopefully hang around long enough to see the end to the disease that caused so much of my family life to be taken away.

I have two children...one is 11 now, and was the oldest grandbaby to my mom, the other never got to meet her in person...he's almost 3 now. I'm back in college, looking toward the future. Still married, and still living in the middle of America where the sweetcorn grows tall each summer and the snow falls nice and deep in the winter!!

I've missed you....and I'm glad to be back :)

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Welcome back, Missy. I'm a survivor, so can't offer the perspective from someone who's lost a loved one to lung cancer like you have. We need people with that perspective, and we always need another advocate! I look forward to your posts here.

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Hi Missy,

Well, I am currently a lung cancer survivor. However, I was a caregiver for my Mom, my Aunt, and my Mother In Law who all died of lung cancer. I feel your pain, and understand what you are talking about with your other relationships.

Things changed dramatically for me when Mom died. My brothers treated me differently. My sister-in-laws felt they could now call the shots, as my Mom was the leader in the family, and when she died, they took over, and I was not considered important, or one that could make family decisions.

My Father died years before, and my Step Dad passed a couple of years after Mom did. So, all family dynamics were turned upside down. I hated it to be quite honest.

Your post makes me feel not "so alone" in the feelings I've had. It's been very difficult.

My heart and hopes are that you find your new normal, and that it is a good one.

Judy in MI

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