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Sundays Air

eric byrne

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Good Morning Everyone,

Isnt it great (for me)that I can get to post first because of the time zone d ifference between us of a least 5 hours?Anyway weather here overcast but warm,I am not downcast as this June has been the sunniest and warmest in Scotland for a long time,hope July will break some sunshine records.

Aw what a shame America knocked out the world cup by Ghana,in extra time played,they sure put on a great show,its a shame someone has to lose.England v Germany this afternoon,we have a saying in Scotland (amplified by Andy Murray,which caused a bit of a stir in the media here)ABE which means, Anybody But England,I dont really care who wins,as long as I can enjoy a good quality game of football,god bless us all that we are all still here and that I get to watch the World Cup being played for all over again in four years time.

Well thats me officially on holiday now for a couple of months,hate to rub it in guys,does mean more time on my hands to pester you with more mailings to boot.

To-morrow I am off to the University of Stiring to attend a conference sponsored by Cancer Research UK,Susan Christie of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Org,brought this to my attention,asking if I could attend,well since I am one of their cancer advocates,it is a wonderful oppertunity for me to speak up for Lung cancer support and funding,as the conference is being attended by three of Scotlands top politicans,including Nichola Sturgeon,also attending is many emminent oncologists and cancer practitioners.Following opening speeches,delegates got to choose two from eight discussion topics,so I have chosen,

Topic 4 Can patient experience benefit the medical profession?

I think you can guess Ill have a few things to say about that.

Topic 8 Living with cancer post treatment.Again lots of things to propose in this area.I took a dummy run up to the Uni,yesterday just to confirm the route,well Ive got to say,I would find it hard to believe there is a more beautiful campus any where in the world,than Stirling,also passing en route Bannockburn and the stunning Wallace monument,must take my camera to-morrow,might even push for a wee pic of Nicola and me to-gether(chance would be a good thing)probably wont even get near her.Ill let you know how I got on to-morrow night.Got to dash now its ABC time,have a great day everyone.

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Morning All! 84 degrees AGAIN this morning. KW weather can get boring this time of year. Last evening was beautiful after an afternoon high of 89. With the sun going down and a breeze blowing outdoor dining at Duval Square was lovely.

Eric, I'm so glad you are on holiday. The timing couldn't be better for me and the Air. I'm heading out tomorrow morning for a six-week trip. I'm usually in the coach but this first day I'll be driving my car to PSL. Happens my daughter's car is here so Stan will tow that with the RV and I'll drive my car. When I get there it will be family time with Wendy and Dominick. Never know when I'm going to get onsite then. After a week, off to Orlando. Laurie, we need to talk. Then to Blossburg PA, Rochester IN and home again. I'll be posting but sometime sporadically. Look for "Judy in...." in the weeks to come. I know I can count on Eric and a few others to keep things going if I miss the Air now and then.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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seeing as how I was up at 1 am I could have been first but was trying hard to go back to sleep!! Enjoy Holiday Eric and now Ya now why we hate sports referees!!! THEY ARE ALL BLIND OR Corrupt!!!

Judy be safe in your Coach travels and catch when possible!!!

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LOL Randy...was not a good day here. Pain was high, so forced to take Vicodin, which resulted in nausea. *sigh* Totally bums me out. Spent most of the day on the couch, with Hubs trying to make food to entice me to eat. Didn't eat much. Had to force myself to eat, and felt totally miserable. Took a Vicodin at 8:00 and again at 1:30 and then resorted to Ibuprofen. Enough of the narcotics!

Puppy is fantastic. Weather was nasty today, with lots of pop up storms, but all is quiet now. We have a cold front coming in with highs in mid 70's and lows in the 50's!!!! Yeah. A/C off for a couple of days.

Hoping to post better news soon.

P.S. Don't fall and break your Sacrum bone. It hurts....A LOT!

Judy in MI

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