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Monday's Air


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Morning All! Stormy last night and raining this morning in what I think is Cartersville GA. It may cool things off but they had a heat advisory yesterday.

I was up at six and responding to posts but better get the Air in now. Stan's walk was called for rain and he's already had breakfast so we could be rolling any time now lol.

Meant to mention a lovely town in Kentucky called Cerea. We missed the Amish store on the first pass off the interstate and wound up going all the way downtown. It is a college town with lots of large brick historic buildings separated by rolling greens. Lovely little main street that circles around and back out of town. Quaint shops but no parking for our big rig so sightseeing only.

Probably won't push it to Port St Lucie today. We're in a leisurely mode and Stan is happy to make seven hours or so in a day instead of his old 10 or 12. Makes me very happy lol.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in Georgia

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 76 degrees and cloudy as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 94. They're giving us a 40 percent chance of showers. I went fishing yesterday morning and never quite got around to stopping by.

Donny, I forgot to mention that it was good to see you post Friday. I hate to hear about the fatigue. Chronic fatigue seems to be the norm once lung function gets below a certain point. Can they do something to help the obstruction?

Not much going on here, just another day of work. Have a great day, all!

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Hi Bud. Everyone needs a day off-site now and then and fishing is an excellent reason for it. Thanks for mentioning Donny posted Friday. Have been meaning to go back and find out what day Eric was referring to. Now I can just go!

Judy traveling thru Georgia just So of Macon

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Oh, the luxury of traveling with a potty and a refrigerator...as the passenger! Stan should start his own travelogue, "Driving Miss Judy"...

It's Monday again. Thankful for another week, but do they always have to start with Monday? LOL

Exhausting weekend, went to bed early (well, earlier) last night and slept in this morning. Hoping I have all of THAT out of my system. Just too much fresh air yesterday - my screaming allergies tell me so. Ahh, the sweet smell of fresh-cut hay, KILLER on the allergies.

Off to start the day. Better late than never...

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Good Afternoon Everyone,

Weather here boringly overcast,havnt seen the sun all day,although dry and warm.Ive had a real lazy day for a change,my daiughter having moved out her previous flat brought all her stuff home,although she moved in with Chris in his flat,but left the brunt of her stuff here,decided to transfer a box of ,her books into the bookcase,to create a bit more floor space in the back bedroom,discovered one and havnt put it down since,you may know it "The Book of General Ignorance"it just about destroys every common held belief,we all have gathered in our lifetimes experience,and then describes the truth eg,What human constructions on earth can you see from the moon? the Great Wall of China -right?-wrong,actually you can bearly even see the continents from the moon.How about Napoleons most humiliating defeat?Waterloo? nope-Rabbits-Napoleon had arranged a rabbit shoot for a small party of friends,his aides rounded up hundreds of bunnies from all around and released them all in front of Nappy and his buddies,the rabbits they had rounded up were tame ones and extremely hungry,instead of running away they charged the shooting party hoping to get fed,Nappy fled,beating them off with his bare hands,and finally escaped in his coach.One for me,which of the following is Scottish? Kilts,bagpipes,haggis,porridge,whisky and tartan? none of them.One for you,where do most tigers live in the world? the USA-correct.Who invented the rickshaw? an American? -correct.Good fun isnt it?.

Judy,thanks for the exchange rate infro,Scots do produce their own banknotes,but they are tied to the English pound,got to be careful though, of not relying on using them in some shops in England though, as they are quite often refused (they dont refuse our North Sea Oil though)(just winding Geri up a wee bit)Judy that would have meant if you paid my £60 meal bill you would have to pass over $90.Never tried or even heard of buttermilk bread before but with butter and jam topping its just up my street.

Funny you mentioning the Amish,a new TV series just started on BBC last night,its about 5 Amish late teens coming to stay in the UK with particularly chosen family type groups, to let them experience British culture.First family chosen was a urban working class black family,living in a district in London,the programme interfaced with the families they left behind in USA,so the viewer could understand fully the divergence of both cultures,it was very interesting and entertaining how they knitted to-gether both groups very much enjoyed each others company,the Amish were exposed the sex shops in Soho,heard about prematial sex,drug use and attended a remembrance service of a young black boy who belonged to the community,but was stabbed to death .Best bit for me was the black kids took the Amish to a dance club,boy if you could have seen the look on the Amish kids faces when the black boys and girls started to dance,and could they dance? they did everything in prefect sinc,and they were so good.Next Sunday we get to see the next family they are going to stay with.

Donny,I just love to read,lost the ability to do so just after my dx for some strange reason,no kidding?thank god I am now restored and back in the saddle again.Love Jack London,read a biography on him some years ago also read of course "Call of the Wild" so thanks for the title" Cruise of the Snark"Really hoping you are feeling a bit better now,look after yourself.

Judy Kw,just thinking forgot to ask earlier,what does two-fifth wheels mean,and your fur babies are your dogs right?.

Judy MI,enjoy the new carpet,I have got to get one too,for the bedroom I am redecorating,if you want to drop by to help me choose you would be most welcome.Oh Sally's been to the docs and her employer,she is going to return to work on Wednesday,since she has been off for nearly six months,shes feeling a wee bit nervous that she can cope,shell be fine after ten minutes I am sure.Decided to stop the decor to-day and tomorrow,start again on Wednesday.(promise)

Jennifer started her teaching job last week,apparently the class consists of ten students who all just happen to be Spanish,she didnt get off to a good start ,the private company she is working for seem to be seriously dis-organised Jennier didnt even have a whiteboard to work on never mind a smartboard,they told her just to write on some paper sheets of A3.She is now settling in and she is really enjoying the work, I always told her teaching is as close to acting as you can get.

Think I have taken up enough of your time,thanks for listening,see you soon.

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I'm never here on Monday mornings. I start my day early and work through most of it, but I hit a lull in the action, so thought I'd quick post before it gets nuts again. Our church is having a giant yard sale on Friday and the volunteers are everywhere, getting things set up. It's crazy! Hard for the Admin person to do her adminning.....LOL

"Driving Miss Judy"....I love it Becky.

Looks like it could rain here, but it's a nice day.

I was given a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble, which is a chain of lovely book stores here. So I went in to see what they have going on, and I found this E-book reader called The Nook. It's awesome! With the discount I get as a member, and the gift card, I got it for a nice managable price! I just down loaded "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn for .99 cents! Can't wait to find some slow time and start reading for sure.

Judy in MI

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Oh, the luxury of traveling with a potty and a refrigerator...as the passenger!

Have to admit Becky, it is nice. You slept for both of us last night. I went to bed late and got up early--6 am to be exact. Yuck! As for allergies, when I was first tested I asked what I was allergic to and the doctor said "the planet." I actually handled the cornfields pretty well but when that young man on the big tractor came flying around our RV cutting the grass, I stayed inside the coach lol.

Judy still somewhere in Georgia

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Eric and Judy, you must have pushed Submit while I was typing lol. Eric, a fifth-wheel is a travel trailer that loads onto the back of a pickup truck so the front is supported on the bed of the truck. Hard to explain. That was someone else's fur baby but yes, I believe it is a dog or a dog or cat? The "...Ignorance" book sounds interesting and I'd love to see that TV show on the Amish. Wonder if we'll get it here.

Judy am not into EBooks yet but perhaps, in time, I don't know. I think Ned has one. I'm just kind of hooked on turning pages lol.

Judy FINALLY in Florida

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Well thought I should pop in now that I am back again. I have accumulated over 19 weeks of paid vacation leave this year so that is why I am not onsite as much. Just off enjoying myself. i still haven't gotten out fishing Bud but i agree it is a great way to escape.

Eric I love trivia books like that and i will have to check it out.

great to see you on here posting again Becky. still not sure about letting you drive the keg bus though. LOL

Judy in MI, you are just shopping away, new car, carpet, e-reader....

Judy in KW or wherever, nice to hear that you are enjoying this part of your trip.

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Welcome home Bruce,great to have you back,wow thats some holiday accumulation, I only get 12 weeks per year,thinks I have chosen the wrong career?

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I imagine Bruce gets 2 or 3 weeks vacation a year, like most yanks. The additional weeks off are likely in lieu of overtime.

That Amish in England show would be a hit in our house - M likes all the documentaries showing strange events and people. Well, most of them.

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12 weeks a year is a pretty good deal Eric. I actually get about 10 weeks per year but I can carryover 1 year's worth which gave me almost 20 weeks this year. Being in management I don't get overtime or lieu time and I actually lost 1 week of lieu time when I became Manager.

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Hi Stephanie,

Re-vacations,my now retired buddy Frank,visited his daughter who lives in the states,remarked on how hard the Americans work,have little in the way in of holidays,I remember him saying his son-in-law had a dental appointment one day,had to leave work just before the appointment,and was expected to return to immeadiately afterwords,regardless of what he was having done?.Average holiday entitlement in the UK is probably,much the same as the States,although many firms here operate a loyalty bonus scheme and give workers additional holidays for their length of service,probably up to five weeks for older staff.

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Hi Bruce,

The Book of General Ignorance,is written by John Lloyd

and John Mitchinson publishers, faber and faber.


Yeah Bruce,know what you mean by lost TOIL,time off in lieu,I lost a few days holiday when I was off work at my dx,didnt have the bottle to ask for them back,also lost some floating days this year I was due,just couldnt find a gap to take them,I will try harder this year to get my full entitlement. See you.

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