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Tuesday's Air

eric byrne

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Good Evening Everyone,

Its almost Tuesday here,I have been having a busy time of it last week,diary full of activities,gymming and swimming,yoga-ing,or as my friend Jim calls it yogurt,bowling.Weekend, Saturday,up and out just after 7.00am,its ABC mens breakfast time,got to set up the tables and serve the one million calories per plate fry up,absolutely delicious.I was also out at the indoor bowling club on Saturday evening,my buddy Bill,plays in a outdoor bowling club,that booked my club for a competition,it was a great night out,needless to say I did'nt win any prizes.

Sunday, ABC,then a trip to Cosco for some groceries,reversing out my parking bay I swung the car round at the kerb,moving forward,I heard this grating sound,I have just scraped the skirt of my car against an unseen "decorative" boulder,grrr,as Richard Wilson would say "I dont believe it",what on earth is a boulder doing there?. Up then to sister Dot's fun and games with Emma and Jack.Husband Jim is on holiday for the next fortnight,so we have arranged an excursion for Friday next.

Saturday next is my sister's husband Pats sixtieth birthday party,looking forward to a great night with all the usual suspects.I have booked a flight for Pat on a seaplane,it flies from the centre of Glasgow on the River Clyde,going up the west coast of Scotland,we have arranged Pat to board the plane on Loch Lomond,since after the flight we will have lunch in a beautiful restaurant on the banks of Loch Lomond in Balloch.

I have applied for a job in Airdries Town Hall which is also a theatre,its currently being extensively renovated so its going to be a great place to visit.The job is front of house,tuxedo clad meeter and greeter on show nights,I have appeared on the stage in the past in so many great shows in this theatre,I dropped my membership following my dx,always thinking about going back.This job will suit me down to the ground,I love meeting people and chatting to them,hopefully despite my age and health situation I will at least get an interview?.

Well I have booked myself into the hotel in WashingtonDC for the Hope Summit from 2nd of May until the 8th of May then its a train ride to New York for sightseeing until I fly home to Scotland on the 17th of May,I am counting the days,hopefully I am going to meet many of you,I have only the pleasure of communicating with online.

I am sorry about lack of posting recently,but I have been reading Just for Fun each day,JudyMI best wishes for your chemo starting on Thursday,I am so pleased to read of the support you can call in from church friends,you are really lucky to have such friends in your corner.I loved reading all the rooster and duck tales,being a townie I never got close to farm animals unless I visited the local zoo.Janet seems I have only a vague understanding of your animal farm work,do you run the farm or do you assist the people who do,I am right in thinking its a animal rescue centre?.Bud I had to laugh at your comments on moving your recliner chair with Rose into your home,may you have many pleasant days reclining in it.

Since its just now become Tuesday,I will post this under that heading.Enjoy Mon/Tues.

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Good evening, everyone!

It's still Monday evening here, but I guess I'll reply to this post rather than starting another.

It was 50 degrees when I got up this morning, and got up to 80 degrees this afternoon, under beautiful sunny skies. Spring has returned to north Texas.

Good luck with your job application, Eric. It sounds like a job that would suit you well. I'll be job shopping too, pretty soon.

I bought an ice cream maker a couple of weeks ago, and have been experimenting with recipes. Last night, I finally worked out a non-dairy ice cream recipe I really like. Variations of that will be my regular ice cream from now on.

After only getting in one bike ride all week, with all the wind and rain, I managed to ride 49 miles Saturday morning before the rain hit again, and Rose and I did 32 miles on the tandem Sunday afternoon. So it wasn't too bad a mileage week after all.

It was only a couple of hours after Saturday's ride that I was across town attending daughter Marie's wedding. It's very rare for me to be found wearing a tie, but here I was in one on Saturday, dancing with the bride.


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Hi Bud,

Thanks for sharing the photograph,congratulations to your daughter and her new husband,may they have many happy and healthy years to-gether.Any chance of sharing more pics,would be nice for everyone here to see the happy couple,not forgetting Bud and Rose of course.

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It is definitely Tuesday here. I lost two days but seeing no Sat or Sun Air, I don't seem to have missed anything. When I say I "lost" two days I mean I lost them. Sick as a dog with what I suppose was post chemo misery. Stinging tongue, sore throat (a new one?) and intestinal misery that had me in my recliner or bed for two days and I rarely every take to the bed! Somewhat better today but not great. Stan and I are monitoring my food intake and weight in the hope the fluid is not building again.

Eric, what a great job that would be for you. Would you actually get paid to do what you love best lol! Like I said I've been out of the loop for a couple of days, but would like to know the name of the Hotel in DC. I need to get going trying to get frequent flyer tickets. It's a long shot and whether it's worth arriving early or staying longer to get them depends on the Hotel price. I've been meaning to ask Katie but then got knocked down.

Bud, loved the pic. Stan was just saying that when people ask why he lives in KW, he says so he doesn't have to dress up. He traveled for over 30 yrs in a suit and tie and it would get something like a daughter's wedding to get him in one again. Thanks for sharing the pic.

Prayers, good thoughts or positive energy--whatever you offer up--for my sister today. She's having gall bladder surgery complicated by the fact that she has barely contained chronic funal disease. She's been months waiting to be cleared for the surgery so we are holding our breaths.

Have a good day everyone.

Judy in KW

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KW Judy, glad you're feeling better today, and hope tomorrow will be much better.

Eric, here's the bride and groom, along with the bride's daughter, my granddaughter.


And here are Rose and I, sitting with good friends.


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Great pics Bud! What a lovely family.

Well the sun is beating down on me as I sit here in the West facing window. It's awesome. The temps are forecasted to be 70 something for the next seven days. That never happens here. We are loving it.

I'm trying diligently to not be nervous about tomorrow, but I'd be lieing if I said I was not. I am. Good news is that the cisplatin/navelbine cycle is week one and two, and then week three is off. Week four is then week one of the next cycle! So I will be done (if there are no complications) by the last week in May! That would be lovely. I just read that back over and it sounds funny. But I think you get it.

They are changing the pain meds too. I was on Immediate release morphine and complaining about being drowsy so much. I need the pain meds. I tend to try to skip them because of getting drowsy, but can tell that I pay the price in pain and not breathing properly, hence not healing properly either. I have a script in the mail to me for the time release kind, and think that will space it out better so I don't have these highs and lows.

Judy in MI

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Bud, what a beautiful family! Love the pics, thanks. And thanks for the well-wishes. I hope tomorrow is better too. I plan on going to town with Stan.

Judy, will be thinking of you and hope the chemo goes easy on you. Also hope the new pain meds do their job.

Judy in KW

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I started to post earlier and then the phone rang and never did get finished.

Bud - What great pictures and such a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing - weddings are such fun.

JudyKW - your weekend sounds tough, but glad you are feeling better. I hope you have a good outing tomorrow.

JudyMI - will be thinking positive thoughts tomorrow for your first week - hope it goes as well as it can.

Eric - that does sound like the Perfect job for you, and what fun!! Will be keeping my fingers crossed.

Have a good evening everyone -


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