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Welcome to the world of depression.


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Dean - yeah, what they all said!

You can always bring a smile to my face. I couldn't help but notice that even directly after you'd told us about your depression, you were still posting encouragement to others.

I'm SO glad the VA changed their minds and okayed your scooter. Can't wait to hear your description of your first ride on it!

The blue funk gets all of us eventually. I had a five day weekend last week and spent four of those days mostly on the couch staring at the TV and wishing I could pull the world down on top of me and never get up. On the fifth day, though, it started to lighten and I was able to pull it together again. I'm not on anti-depressants now, but I've thought about them, and will go get them if I can't control the funks.

I enjoyed Gay's post -- welcome, Gay -- you're a lucky man to have her and she's lucky to have you. You two just keep on doing what you do, and make those doctors rethink what they THINK they know about this disease.


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Don't let this stuff get to ya. You are a fighter and Survivor. To cheer you up, just remember that you have a "SCOOTER" coming. That should bring a smile to my bearded friend... We never know when we will be called by our Lord. So as you know take one day at a time with a smile. My prayers to you and Gay...

God Bless and Cyber Hugs to you both...

Karen 8)

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I've only met you for a few days and you've already encouraged me so much. I'm so sorry you feel so depressed - but sometimes you have to just accept all your feelings and acknowledge the ups and downs we will all have due to this terrible disease. Let your tears flow - I read that crying is therapeutic in itself because of all the hormones released. There's a verse in the Bible that says Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. You're going thru the night phase right now, but morning will come and we are all crying with you. Prayers and good thoughts to you. . . we are all in this together and you are not alone. shirley

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Dean, go for the meds if you need them. Tim's onc told him that with the medications, chemo and radiation that there was no way he could not have a chemical imbalance and put him on Paxil. He still takes it, even with the hospice. I do think it helps some. The scooter will help too!! I can just see you cruising around town, wind in your hair.

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