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newbie, chemo or no chemo


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Hi, I'd like to introduce myself.  I'm a 60 year old otherwise healthy person.  I went to my primary doc about 2 moths ago for persistent slight cough.  After chest X-ray and CT, was told I have lung cancer. Surgery was end of January.  The size of my tumor was 4.5 cm.  I think that in the past this would have put me in the 2A category, but now they tell me I'm 1B.  I haven't seen an oncologist yet because I'm still dealing with a leaky chest tube from my surgery. My surgeon gives me the impression that I can do chemo or not, that it wouldn't make much of a difference in the long run.  I don't know if I am comfortable with not doing chemo.  Anyone out there have an opinion or similar experience?  I would appreciate any feedback.  I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety too since this all started and I need to communicate with others in a similar situation.  

Thank you,


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Welcome here.  Read about this member. You have very similar situations.

But, first things first.  Ensure you recover completely from the surgery before launching into further treatment, if any.

Stay the course.


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Hi Marianne,

Welcome here! I'm happy to see that Tom referred you to LexieCat, who was also 1B. I had a leaky chest tube, too, but mine was only for 10 days. I assume you're toting around a drain bag. My cancer was 1a and I have no evidence of disease over 2 years later. Hang in there!

Bridget O

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Hi Marianne,

just a quick note—I’m traveling for work and don’t type that great on an iPad. 

I was Ib and given the option. Ib is the only stage where it’s almost a coin toss whether chemo serves a purpose. One of the factors that led me to decline chemo was that my surgeon strongly felt I was actually Ia.  The pathologist believed there was invasion of the pleura and surgeon was sure there was not.  I can’t say what my decision would have been if my tumor had been the size of yours. I don’t know whether that would have led me to a different decision. I haven’t researched or thought about it. The pathology of the tumor might factor into the mix, as well. 

One thing to keep in mind—if you decide against chemo they will have you in for twice a year scans, so if there is a recurrence they can jump on it quickly. You can also seek a second opinion, for some additional peace of mind. 

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